Affirmation: I Safely Say Goodbye to One Year and Look Forward to Another

affirmations Dec 28, 2019

The changing of the year often generates parties and excess. Instead of being careless, I choose to meet the New Year safely. I softly say goodbye to the year that is departing. I contemplate on all it brought me - good and bad - and choose to focus on the good. There are many accomplishments I am proud of in the past year.


Looking back at things that took place last year, I decide what I need for the New Year. I realize what to avoid and what I want to see more of in the upcoming months. I choose happiness, joy, and peace. These are all gifts I can bestow on myself. I consider their importance and value and vow to keep them in my life throughout the New Year.


Because I possess these gifts, I share them with others. I make the world better and brighter since I am happy to share what I know. I freely offer my happiness and joy to others. I present them peace with no strings attached. I get much satisfaction from encouraging others.


I serenely let go of one year as I greet the new one - with all it has to offer. The New Year will be full of sensational surprises. I understand my responses to challenges I will face in the year to come and shape my future. I choose to react with peace and harmony, even if I face seemingly impossible odds.


I let loose the past year and embrace the future.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I enjoy the end-of-year celebration safely?
  2. How can I make the New Year a great one?
  3. Are there ways I can help and protect others as they move into the New Year?



What is your word for 2020? What's the one word that will keep you inspired to reach your goals?

Please write it down, keep it close + revisit it often!


Are you stumped on your word? Here are a few ideas! 

Nourish | Gentleness | Growth | Balance | Creativity | Abundance | Bliss | Grace | Celebrate | Authentic | Belief | Cherished | Mindfulness | Patience | Transformation | Calm | Intention | Joy | Self-Care | Quiet | Adventure | Courage | Connection | Organized | Spirituality | Passion | Hope | Healing | Thrive | Progress | Safe | Release | Explore | Breathe | Wellness | Emergence | Courage | Present | Recovery | Bravery | Faith | Honesty | Consistency | Focus | Uplift | Transparency | Reflection | Empower | Receptivity | Forgiveness | Unstoppable | Fullness | Centered | Worth | Rebuild | Compassion | Peace | Yes | Progress | Simplify | Relax | Service | Kindness | Open | Devotion | Passion | Self-Acceptance | Love | Boldness | Intuition | Whole | Support | Direction | Stillness | Gratitude | Explore | Renewal | Stability | Expand | Delight | Space | Immerse | Rest ... and of course, Health 


I wish you a blessed, happy, safe, healthy, successful New Year!

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