Affirmation: I see myself crossing the finish line victoriously

affirmations May 14, 2022

I know that I am a winner! I am sure of my success because I use effective strategies and tools to keep me motivated, pursuing my goals until I claim my victory.


I set my goals and create action plans that set me up for success every time. I divide my goals into achievable tasks and then accomplish each task, one by one, through to the end.


If I need to invest time or money into preparing myself for my tasks, I do it happily, knowing that these preparations propel me toward the life of my dreams.


I make my goals a priority in my life and incorporate time in my schedule every single day to work on the things that lead me to victory. Knowing that each day puts me one step closer to reaching my goals brings me the motivation to forge ahead.


Failure is not an option! Sometimes, there will be blocks in the road, but I actively seek solutions that can get me past them. I overcome my challenges and get right back on my success track.


If I feel an inkling of self-doubt, I use my affirmations to wipe it out and replace it with confidence. If I fear a challenge, I replace my fear with the courage to meet the test head-on.


I keep my passions burning with daily inspiration to stoke their fire. I use my imagination to envision myself crossing the finish line and relishing my victory in all its glory.


Today, I plan to rekindle my passion for pursuing my most significant goal, making an achievable action plan, and accomplishing one task that puts me closer to success.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What is my greatest goal?
  2. Have I made my action plan of achievable steps to get me there?
  3. Am I facing a challenge? How can I overcome it?


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