Affirmation: I Stay Joyful When Holiday Times Get Stressful

affirmations Dec 07, 2019

Staying joyful is vital to me. Busy holidays can add to stress, but stress leaves me like water off a duck's back. My life is overflowing with positivity and happiness. I remain joyful no matter what the holiday brings me. Each holiday is a distinctive occasion to do something that brings me more joy.


As holidays near, I find ways to stay calm. I let my peace radiate out to others. They see the peace I have, and they feel better about their holidays. I help a lot of people just by staying happy and positive during stressful holiday times. I know the holidays are what I make of them. I choose to make them joyful and fun.


I turn the stress of my life into positivity by concentrating on solutions. Holidays are wonderful times to appreciate family and friends. I take pleasure in finding the beauty of the holidays. I see that beauty and concentrate on it to help keep my stress levels down. Low stress equals high joy.


I live in joy this holiday season by walking in peace and love. I make the holidays wonderful for everyone around me. I treasure my time and my contentment. I hold onto that contentment through any holiday situation.


I manage holiday stress. I stay happy and joyful.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What will I do to lower my stress levels during the holidays?
  2. Are there better ways for me to remain joyful when things get busy?
  3. How can I keep my joy, even when there is stress all around me?



A Christmas Prayer

Most Gracious Heavenly Father, we ask You to grant us peace. Peace in our churches, hearts, and homes, especially when it feels like the world all around us is spinning out of control.


Help us stay centered on You this Christmas season, and forever. Thank You for loving us enough to send Your greatest gift, Your Son Jesus, so that we can truly have a very merry Christmas, even in a not-so-merry kind of world. In Jesus' Name, Amen. 



Christmas is our time to celebrate the gift of Jesus, the son of God, born on Earth, and the salvation He gives to us all. The Christmas holidays are the epitome of joy, hope, love, and fun. May the miracles of this Christmas usher your life with a thousand shades of happiness. I hope you celebrate the most memorable and precious Christmas with your family and friends. And, I hope you get bestowed with God's numerous blessings in the upcoming year. I sincerely thank all of you ladies for supporting for Life Coach for Ladies. Have a blessed celebration. Merry Christmas!


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