Affirmation: I strive to be proactive each day

affirmations Jan 22, 2022

I can never be sure of what each day holds for me. Occasionally, events arise outside of my power. Other times, I am engaged in what takes place.


At times I can circumvent the development of challenging situations. Since there are occasions where my behavior and choices make a difference, I try to be proactive.


Being proactive means taking control by doing something at the moment instead of waiting until the situation unfolds.


I try to stay on top of situations that can complicate my day. Trying to do everything I can to prevent or lessen negative happenings is crucial to me.


Something as simple as speaking clearly to others in a timely fashion is often the best step I take to be proactive. I recognize my power to affect events with my family, friends, and coworkers.


As long as I consider my surroundings and stay in tune with the individuals in my immediate environment, I can take action to bypass a problematic situation that may develop.


I want my life to go as effortlessly as possible to stay knowledgeable and engaged. Being proactive makes me feel positive and empowered.


Today, I plan to observe the individuals and events that surround me. When required, I can intercede early to prevent complications and negativity from arising. I do my best to be proactive because it makes my life and the lives of others better.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Can I stay in tune with whatever is happening around me?
  2. Will I take proactive steps to be helpful and control a situation?
  3. What can I do to be more assertive?

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