Affirmation: I take action to make my dreams come true

affirmations Mar 12, 2022

I know that the only way my life can change for the better is if I change my behavior. When I live the same day repeatedly, everything stays the same. When I fail to take any action, my life loses momentum.


Taking action is the key to making changes in my life.


When I make positive changes in my life, my dreams come true. While others struggle to take action, it is easy for me.


I avoid taking too much time thinking and planning. I am focused on results, and results come from taking action.


I know what I want to accomplish in life. I have an idea of how to achieve those things. I take action each day and notice what is working and what is not. I perfect my approach until I succeed.


I prepare myself for success. I avoid waiting for the perfect circumstances to come along. I avoid relying on luck. I avoid waiting for someone to rescue me. I can save myself by following God’s purpose for my life.


I have everything I need to get started. I can take action today to change the results I am generating in my life.


Today, I am focused on taking intelligent action. I am making my dreams come true. I am an action-oriented person.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What do I want to achieve in my life? What have I done today to make that a reality?
  2. What prevents me from taking action? What can I do about that?
  3. How do I procrastinate? How can I minimize procrastination?

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