Affirmation: I think I can; therefore, anything on the horizon is possible.

affirmations Apr 16, 2022

I am always open to the possibility of success. I look for ways to succeed rather than excuses to fail, so I enjoy success's thrills. Confidence and an optimistic attitude are the traits that pave the way.


The classic story, The Little Engine That Could, was the smallest engine in the train yard that climbed the mountain to save the day. He kept saying, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." up.


In the same way, I know I don't have to be the strongest, most intelligent, most beautiful, most educated, or most experienced person to succeed. All my lights don't have to be green for me to get started on my journey to success.


The world overflows with examples of people who've succeeded despite the tremendous odds against them! What makes the difference? Attitude!


I develop my winning attitude daily with affirmations and positive self-talk. I congratulate myself on even trivial achievements because what are they? Successes, of course!


If I feel my confidence waning, I remind myself of my past successes to build it back up again.


When I encounter a challenge, I waste no time continuing to move ahead. I tell myself, "I think I can," and jump right into searching for a viable solution.


Today my mantra is, "I think I can." Nothing is out of reach for me if I decide it is what I want. My can-do attitude can always bring me success!


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. When I start toward a new goal, what is my attitude?
  2. What dream have I achieved simply because I thought I could?
  3. What's holding me back? How can I move past that and believe in the possibility of my success?

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