Affirmation: I Wear My Calm Hat When I Evaluate Sticky Situations

affirmations Jul 11, 2020

To fully recognize and analyze situations, I need to remain calm and gather my stillness and quietness.

When life throws me trials along the way, I remain calm and enjoy the peace that is mine. Using specific tools that help me be calm allows me to let go of the necessity to panic or fall apart in challenging situations. Calm is something I can choose to be. I am strong enough to build up my stores of serenity for surprises.

I have a special reservoir within me. I either choose to fill this tank and keep it filled or to let it become empty. This special reservoir is my serenity tank. When it is full, I enjoy calmness in all situations. I can draw from my serenity tank when I need it.

I fill my tank with positive energy from maintaining a healthy body and mind, daily relaxation, and meditating on God’s word.

When I forget my physical and emotional needs, let negative energy into my life, or become over-stressed, I drain my serenity tank.

Today, I will add to my serenity tank for future times when I may need to draw from it. I will release the stress that builds up in my day. I will exercise, eat healthy foods, and fill my day with positive energy. When a sticky situation arises, I will draw from my serenity tank and wear my hat of calmness.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Is there calmness in my heart?
2. How have I added to my serenity tank today?
3. Have I set myself up for success if there is a sticky situation?

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