Affirmation: I am Moving Out of my Comfort Zone

affirmations Aug 22, 2020

I get out of my comfort zone and appreciate everything accessible to me.


Moving out of my comfort zone from time to time opens a whole new world of opportunities. Though I can have many rewards remaining warm and cozy inside my comfort zone, I understand that getting out of it can bring even more!


My comfort zone holds all the comforts of home. Inside my house, I feel confident. I am self-assured. I know where everything is located. I arrange it according to my likes and dislikes. I am in control of my life if I am in my home.


I understand that when I step outside my home, everything changes. Life can throw unforeseen challenges at me. But even with such a risk, I know that I could never live my life only inside my home. That would be too restricted and limiting!


In the same way, I know living inside my comfort zone limits me to a very narrow range of experiences. Even though I am comfortable and confident there, where is the excitement? Do I want to limit myself like that? No, of course, I do not wish to have limitations!


Once I let myself get out of my comfort zone, I find that it can be fun. I can go on new journeys and be introduced to all kinds of new people. I acquired new talents and skills that I never knew I possessed. I learned new things that I never envisioned before.


With this in mind, today, I will let myself out of my comfort zone and reap new rewards like never before. I feel such freedom and enjoyment regarding my new outlook that I know I can conquer any minor setback on my path to fulfillment.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is holding me inside of my comfort zone?
  2. How can I allow myself out?
  3. What rewards have I received when I've ventured outside my comfort zone?


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