Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Self-motivation helps me accomplish goals

affirmations May 28, 2022

 Setting goals helps me stay on track. Every day, I recommit to working on my goals. I am self-motivated and do what is required to maintain my drive.


Accomplishing goals gives me pleasure. I feel the same amount of satisfaction when I complete any big or small goal. I consider all I am responsible for to be necessary.


Whenever I have a task in front of me, I consider it vital. I avoid minimizing the importance of any job, even if it seems trivial to me. I know these tasks are essential to someone.


If I face disappointment, I do not allow it to take hold of me. I permit myself a brief time to deal with the frustration; then, I move on.


My positive mindset lets me refuel and carry on with tremendous enthusiasm.


I am unrelenting and ready to start from the beginning as many times as needed. I welcome the opportunity to do something well the next time. There are few outcomes that I consider to be failures.


Whenever I need encouragement, I think about my past achievements. They motivate me to keep pressing on.


Today, I continue to be excited about my goals. I know they are all within my reach. Sometimes, all it takes is time. I am committed and self-motivated.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Which of my traits can I further develop to help me reach my goals?
  2. When have I felt too discouraged to keep pushing on?
  3. What external factors do I rely on to help me remain motivated?

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