Affirmation: I Let the Seasons Inspire Me to Accept Change

affirmations Nov 16, 2019

Sometimes I would like to defy change. I find comfort in my routines. Things move smoothly, and I quickly anticipate the usual obstacles. However, when I look outside, I see a world in constant flux. I am reminded that the world is always changing and adapting.


These cycles of change encourage me to change and adapt as well.


Spring brings change. Life is green, growing, and abundant. Opportunities abound. I seek spring forms in my life: new challenges to overcome and build upon, the ability to create new relationships, and methods of improving my life.


During summer and fall, I reap the benefits of spring's new occurrences. I revel in the warmth of achievement.


Winter is cold but necessary. In my life, winter is a period of rest and forethought. I wisely use this time to relax, and I look forward to planting new seeds in the spring.


Even my day is cyclical, like the seasons. When I wake, I see new beginnings, like the budding leaves on a tree. The stresses of the day are like the beaming summer sun. By the end of the day, I feel like autumn, worn and seeking a period of recovery. I sleep through each night like an animal hibernating through the winter.


Today, I intend to plant a seed of friendship. Making new connections in the workplace assists my ability to be an integral part of the team.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Why do I sometimes defy change?
  2. What is most difficult about adapting to changes in my life or workplace?
  3. How does my willingness to adapt help others?

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