Affirmations Will Make You Feel Powerful

life coaching Nov 07, 2019

One value of working with a Life Coach is the power to get a fresh, informed point of view on challenges that you encounter. In addition to offering new insight into those challenges, a Life Coach helps you find negative patterns standing in the way of your success. Sometimes negative habits can be in words you tell yourself.


The strength of words is impressive, and they describe everything in our life. The words of our inner voice can be the most powerful of all.  When it comes to thinking good about yourself, learning how to use affirmations is helpful. There are so many opportunities to manifest abundance and love.


Affirmations can be potent, and they are also easy to use. Today, I will discuss the importance of gratitude affirmations to increasing your overall life satisfaction.



If you begin to form thoughts and repeat similar things, again and again, you start believing in the ideas. If we can create our narrative and make sure that we use our minds to be positive, we will be better.


  • Are you thankful for the small things in your life?


  • Do you remind yourself of how blessed you are to be alive?


  • Do you see the beauty in being able to create your future?


Daily gratitude affirmations like these above are some of the best ways to appreciate your life and improve overall life satisfaction.  Doing so allows you to completely transform your mindset and experience it quickly -- no matter what’s going on in your life. A profound sense of being grateful for existence is key to getting rid of many of our anxieties and sufferings.



  1. Imagine going back in time and experiencing the living conditions of our ancestors after living in such a technologically advanced time. You will realize how far humanity has come.


  1. Now consider who’s in your life…
  • Do you communicate?
  • Do they help produce positive feelings or experiences?

         Then consider life without them…

  • What is it like – better/worse/same?


  1. Consider where you are now…
  • Is there a roof over your head?
  • Do you have food to eat?
  • What would your life look like without the things we consider commodities?


Using a brief, positive and powerful statement to influence behavior or a habit is the foundation of affirmations. You use these affirmations to create positive thinking patterns (positive mindset) and repel negative thoughts (negative mindset).



I am at peace with the pace of my life.

You are entering a new season of life.

One that feels different now.

Your faith in the Lord and yourself is more significant than ever.

You are releasing the need to have it all right now.

Instead, you feel gratitude and peace for what is already in your life.

You are one with the divine flow of your life, and it feels so good.


This is a fundamental affirmation. You can make custom affirmations that work for you.


When utilizing affirmations, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • It works be best if you have confidence that affirmations work
  • Your activities should support your positive statements
  • It also helps if you are confident in the results
  • It is best to use the affirmations regularly


Everything in our lives is a reflection of what we think and feel. Even if their effects are mild, to begin with, over time, using affirmations will help you grow a more positive existence. Learning to use affirmations is crucial for a positive outlook and a great self-image.

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