Independence is a skill that not every woman possesses at birth. Of course, everyone has to become somewhat independent as they grow up towards adulthood, but it is far easier for some to accept their independence than others. Evading independence as an adult creates problems in many different areas of your life, especially as you enter into professional and personal interactions.
It can be challenging for some women to realize they are responsible for any life occurrences—choices made shape your life. Your decisions develop your direction. Being practical about this is beneficial and necessary. When you know you can rely on and take total care of yourself, you can accomplish anything.
It is healthy to be able to trust and rely on others. What you should not do is leave your potential for joy in someone else’s hands or under someone else’s control. You want to develop your own opinions about who you are, not depend on someone else’s treatment of you to tell you if you are a good person. That is called codependence. It is an unhealthy situation that plagues many adults today.
When you become overly dependent on someone or codependent, you become a burden. Some personality types may enjoy having a codependent relationship - but these are unhealthy personalities and result in unhealthy relationships.
One of the healthiest things you can learn is to be by yourself and enjoy your own company. Do not be afraid to go to a restaurant, art gallery, or movie alone. Do not be scared to go anywhere alone!
Learn to appreciate being by yourself, even if people surround you. Take walks. Go to the park and read a book. Go to the beach and listen to the waves. Learn to make your own life an adventure, independent of anyone else.
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