Best Secrets to be Happy

personal development Feb 04, 2020

What do you suppose it means to be happy?  There is a lot of exploring going on these days for the elusive emotion of “being happy” --where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it is.

 But I would like to share a little secret with you -- happiness is not only for a lucky few born with it.


Happiness is not a thing that you can reach out and touch or leave in the fridge and take a sip when you need it.  Happiness is not on a beach in Hawaii (really!) or a perfect body.  It is not even in that ideal relationship that Chris Pratt tries to sell us in movies. 


With the images bombarding you every day, it is easy to think that happiness will arrive on your doorstep if you have the newest car, the best clothes, a fancy home.  It is easy to get caught in the trap of thinking that if you could find the right person, they would arrive with a box of happiness attached to his hip.  But all this does is persuade you that happiness is something to be found outside of yourself. 


And that is where you get off track. Because the secret is that happiness is simply a by-product of creating and living a life that works, an experience that you enjoy -- whatever that is.  Happiness comes from doing what you are called to do, in the place where you are called to do it, and with whoever you are meant to be with. 


And yes, I can hear all of you -- “But I can’t get the job I want because I’d have to go to school for eight years, and I have to live here because I can’t afford to move, and what do you mean “who I want to do it with” because I want to hang out with Cher or Oprah or Rihanna.” 


And thank you all for making my point for me.


You see, happiness starts by believing you have control over your life and grows by making choices that will give you a sense of well-being satisfaction. Happiness comes from deciding that you *will* go to school for eight years if that is what it takes. That you *will* organize your life until you can afford to move. And that YOU decide who to hug, how much to smile, what music you listen to, and who to hang out with, even if it is not one of those women so famous they only need one name. 


Happiness is about making the best choices you can about who you spend your time with, how you make your living, how much you learn, what you put into your body.  Because when you feel good about the space you are in when you are with people you admire and respect, and they admire and respect you when you are working on a project that’s meaningful to you -- happiness will shine right through.


And that is no secret.


Choose today to stop chasing happiness and instead choose three things that you love to do that contribute to your feeling of well-being and satisfaction. Schedule time for them, every day if possible, every week, at least. It does not have to be for a long time. Just 10 minutes a day will help you create the happiness that you are looking for, guaranteed. 


And that is no secret either.


To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life.

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