Christian Life Coaching - This Is What You Need To Know

life coaching Feb 20, 2020
  1. What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Life Coaching is a professional service that helps people identify and achieve personal and professional goals. Faith and the Biblical Worldview shape the entire field of Christian Life Coaching. God has a bigger view of you than you can imagine. Christian Life Coaches work with their clients to assist them in overcoming obstacles, developing positive habits, and making lasting changes in their lives.


  1. The Benefits of Christian Life Coaching

There are numerous benefits to working with a life coach.

Some of the most common benefits include:

  • Enhanced communication and interpersonal skills
  • Greater self-awareness
  • Greater work/life balance
  • Improved decision-making
  • Improved goal-setting and time management
  • Increased clarity and focus
  • Increased motivation and confidence


  1. The Christian Life Coaching Process

The Christian Life Coaching process is unique to each client and based on the individual's needs and goals.

However, there are some common elements to the process, which include:

  • Action plan: The coach and client develop a plan of action to help the client achieve their goals.
  • Goal setting: The coach and client work together to identify specific, achievable, measurable goals.
  • Initial consultation: The coach and client meet to discuss the client's needs and goals.
  • Progress review: The coach and client meet periodically to review the client's progress and make any necessary adjustments to the action plan.


  1. Christian Life Coaching Tools and Techniques

There is an assortment of assessments, tools, and techniques used in Christian Life Coaching.

Some of the most common tools and techniques include:

  • Equipping Assessment
  • Personality Assessment
  • Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Some of the most common tools and techniques include:

  • Accountability: The coach holds the client accountable for their actions and progress.
  • Active listening: The coach actively listens to clients to understand their needs and goals.
  • Questioning: The coach asks probing questions to help the client gain clarity and insight.
  • Reframing: The coach helps the client reframe their thoughts and beliefs to change their perspective.


  1. Christian Life Coaching for specific areas of life

Christian Life Coaching can be beneficial for people in all areas of life.

Some of the most common areas where Christian Life Coaching is helpful include:

  • Career coaching: can help people find a new job, change careers, or advance in their current employment.
  • Financial coaching: can help people with budgeting, debt management, and investing.
  • Health & Wellness coaching: can help people make healthy lifestyle choices, manage chronic health conditions, and achieve weight-loss goals.
  • Relationship coaching: can help people with all types of relationships, including romantic, family, and professional relationships.


  1. Christian Life Coaching FAQs

Here are some common questions people ask about Christian Life Coaching:

How do Christian Life Coaching, counseling, and therapy differ?  

  • Christian Life Coaching focuses on helping people achieve specific goals now and in the future. Counseling focuses on dealing with the past and identifying reasons for behaviors. And therapy focuses on treating mental health disorders.


Do Christian Christian Life Coaches advise their clients?

  • Clients always are responsible for making their own decisions and taking their actions. The role of Christian Life Coaches is to provide positive accountability, encouragement, feedback, and support. Though a life coach may challenge clients to think differently or suggest they try a different approach than they would ordinarily, the client must decide whether to take it. A Life Coach does not control the client's actions or thoughts.

How is a Christian Coaching program different than an educational program?

  • In a Christian Coaching environment, there is a three-way relationship between God, the client, and the Coach.
  • Educational courses provide students with information. Christian Life Coaches do more than teach new skills. Your Life Coach will help you implement those new skills. Coaching gives you the wisdom of what you need, tools to help you do it, and support and guidance until you gain control over your body, spirit, and soul.


Why should I consider online coaching courses?

Coaching works remarkably well in online courses because:

  • You can choose 1:1 coaching, group coaching, or go at your pace self-study and get coaching as and when you decide.
  • You do not have to schedule a coaching call if you are doing self-study. Group coaching is on a set day and time. You choose if that works for you. This appeals to people who are busy or travel frequently.
  • You can work completely anonymously and independently, or you can work with a buddy, join in Forums, and Ask the Coach any questions. The degree to which you want to share your progress and life is entirely in your control.
  • You save money as the online self-study courses are very affordable! And group coaching is less expensive than 1:1 coaching.



Is the privacy of my information guaranteed?

  • Yes! Christian Life Coaches guarantee never to use your details or anything you say without your permission first. At the end of your coaching program, you will write your feedback, and you can select whether or not you want this information to stay confidential.



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