Commit To the Life You Want

personal development Jun 16, 2020


What does it mean to commit to living the life you want?


When a woman commits to living the life they want, they go after their goals, hopes, and dreams without any hesitation. Instead of considering everything that could go wrong or stop them from finding success, they focus solely on achieving those goals and building the life they want.


Committing to living the life you want requires visualization – a woman with this level of commitment can see their future clearly because they have spent time understanding exactly what they want to achieve. With that picture of the future in mind, they have also calculated the different steps they will need to take to make that visualization a reality.


Most importantly, a woman who commits to living the life they want does not make any excuses about why they “can’t” do something. This woman goes after their goals and dreams wholeheartedly and does not allow any negative naysaying to slow them down. Instead of imposing self-limiting thoughts on themselves or talking themselves out of choosing their future, they go for it with all their energy and might.


Why do women make excuses instead of living the life they want?


There are many reasons women will make excuses instead of going after the life they want.


          1. Societal pressure


Sometimes, pressure from society – including family and friends – can persuade a woman not to chase after the life they truly want. Whether the life they want is very different from what is expected of them or if it goes against the beliefs of their community, the societal pressure to conform to a specific way of life can stop a woman from going after what they want.


         2. Low self-esteem


Some flat-out believe that they cannot go after the life they want. When they envision their perfect life, they may think they aren’t “good enough” or “smart enough” to go after those kinds of goals and dreams. Before they even start the process of living the life they want, they allow their low self-esteem to stop them in their tracks.


         3. Fear of the unknown


Even when a woman wants a particular lifestyle to be their reality, the idea of going for it may feel frightening because it requires them to explore unknown territory. The prospect of going after something unfamiliar and uncertain can frighten them away from living the life they want.


          4. The facade of the comfort zone


Many women feel comfortable in the lives they already live. When their life is predictable and routine, why would they ever want to change it?


Unfortunately, just because a woman is comfortable does not mean they live the life they want. Feeling comfortable is a big excuse for not going after what they want in life.


What are some strategies for learning how to commit to living the life you want without any excuses?


Learning to stop making excuses can be challenging, but it is possible to start living the life you want without holding yourself back. To get started, consider the following strategies:


     1. Allow your “what if” thinking also to consider the positive possibilities.


Humans tend to gravitate toward negative thinking when dreaming up different “what ifs” about their futures. This is not always a bad thing – it is natural to keep yourself safe from potential danger. However, this negative thinking cannot dominate your mind when you want to go after your life.


As you allow negative “what if” scenarios to enter your brain, it is essential to also give space for the positive “what ifs.” For example, you may think, “if I try that new activity, I might fail.” That is possible, but since you are not a fortune-teller, it is essential also to consider the equally possible positive outcome: “If I try that new activity, I might have a great time and enjoy it”!


      2. Go after the life you want, with small steps first.


If the idea of jumping full-on into the life you want feels shocking and scary, permit yourself to start small. For example, you can begin by changing parts of your wardrobe to suit better the lifestyle you want to live.


Another option involves changing your living space to reflect the life you want – these changes are minor, personal ways to get started and encourage yourself to keep going after those more significant changes.


      3. Use an affirmation to refocus your thinking and keep you on a path toward living the life you want.


Affirmations are powerful mental tools. Using an affirmation can help refocus your stressed brain and remind you of what you are doing and why – a beneficial practice when trying to do something challenging, like ditching excuses to go after the life you want.


For example, if you catch yourself feeling overwhelmed and tempted to back away from going after something you want in life, stop what you are doing and repeat your affirmation to yourself. Some possible affirmations include:


  • I am not stopped by difficulties.
  • I can do hard things.
  • I choose the life I want to live.
  • I deserve the life I want.
  • …and many more!


     4. Get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.


Exiting the comfort zone is one of the biggest obstacles to living the life you want. Staying in your comfort zone is tempting – after all, it is comfortable there! What better excuse is there to avoid going after the life you want when you can hang out in your comfort zone risk-free?


It is important to remember that the comfort zone is like a mirage. It seems like a safe spot to hide outside, but it has some insidious undertones. There is no challenge trying new things or learning new skills inside your comfort zone. You may feel comfortable, but you never grow as a person.


Because of this, it is essential to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Allow yourself to adjust to exiting your comfort zone – it is the only way you can successfully embark on your journey toward living the life you want because it destroys one of the biggest excuses there is!

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