I can hardly believe we are already a month into 2021. Did you struggle in 2020? Has the first part of this year been a struggle? I want to openly admit that I did not have an easy year myself. I had such plans for 2020. But, it was such a struggle to 'get by' at times – seemingly for the whole world. Our struggles are not always a bad thing. It just means we have the opportunity for growth.
I reenforced one of my big life lessons this past year: you MUST keep showing up even when you do not want to, or when you are struggling. Keep writing down your goals, planning out your financials, meal prepping, taking care of yourself, and believing! Write out your daily to-do lists that align with your goals and create action behind them.
Was health or wellness on your list of 2021 resolutions? Well, here we are a month into the year, and I know that the initial excitement of resolutions fades. Being successful and making a change does require the proper organization of thoughts and facts and then a plan of execution.
I just wanted to cheer you on and give you six ways to stay on track with those health resolutions!
1. Drink more water
Track water every single day. To calculate how much water your body ideally needs, experts recommend that you take your body weight and split it in half - that number is how many ounces of water you should aim to consume daily.
I am just going to declare publicly, "2021, I am coming for you" Join me and get organized and healthy. Not tomorrow. Not next Monday. Not next month. Today! Let's do it together, Ladies! Here at Life Coach for Ladies, I challenge you (and I will do it right alongside y'all!) to make wellness a priority in 2021!! Let's see the difference it could make in our health!!! SO if you are ready to make a difference in your life now, don't wait! Let's do this! Ready? Set. Go!
Pssst...private Facebook group here, "Confident Women Unite: Living An Empowered Life After Trauma". Connect with other women who are transforming for success and rocking it! You also get the news first! :) Learn, share, grow, connect... join us!
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