Every Prayer In The World Is Answered

spirituality May 12, 2024

It is a common misconception among Christian women that their prayer is left unanswered if God does not grant their request. However, it is crucial to remember that God always responds to His children—without exception, every time, and every prayer. Throughout history, there has never been, nor will there ever be, a prayer left unanswered.

Every prayer is answered, but only sometimes in the way we hope or the timeline we hope. God's answers are deeply personal and tailored to our unique circumstances and needs. For instance, you might have prayed to be married by twenty-five, but instead, you found a fulfilling career that brought you joy and purpose. Or you might have prayed for your daughter’s illness to be cured, and while the disease may not have been cured, you found the strength and resilience to cope with it.

God hears these prayers and responds in His way.

If you are a parent, you understand this. How often have your kids come to you with requests or desires you know are not the best for them? Will you say yes just because? Or will you sometimes – often – say no for their protection? Or for their benefit? Or because you have other plans that you know are better for them?

God does the same with us. His objective is our protection and benefit, or the benefit of others. His love for us is so deep that He always has our best interests at heart, even when we may not understand His ways.

Our human timelines do not bind God's answers to your prayers.

He could bless you with a godly spouse when you are twenty-seven or even fifty-seven. He could heal your daughter’s illness after she has suffered for five, ten, or even twenty years. His timing is perfect, and we must trust in His plan, knowing it is for our ultimate good and His glory.

This is where prayer becomes difficult. It is easy to let doubts distract you at this point. You may be tempted to wonder, "If my desires aren't fulfilled, what's the point of praying?" It is natural to feel disappointed or frustrated when our prayers are not answered as we hoped. But remember, God's plan is always for our ultimate good, even when we cannot see it now.

Prayer is not about achieving our earthly desires but aligning ourselves with God's will. Christ taught this in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matt 6:10). Therefore, our prayers should always be guided by God's Word and his revealed will.

Author Warren Wiersbe summarizes the purpose of prayer as follows: 'The immediate purpose of prayer is the accomplishing of God’s will on earth; the ultimate purpose of prayer is the eternal glory of God' (from On Earth as It Is in Heaven: How the Lord’s Prayer Teaches Us to Pray More Effectively, Baker Books, 2010, p. 78)."

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