Faith Perspective is Important in the World of Dating

relationships Mar 20, 2020

Finding a meaningful relationship can feel overwhelming in a world filled with endless dating apps, social media profiles, and swipes. For Christians, the challenge of dating is often compounded by the desire to honor God in every aspect of life, including romantic relationships.

So, how does one navigate the complex dating world while staying true to Christian values?


Let’s explore some key principles.

Foundation in Faith

The first and most important aspect of Christian dating is ensuring that your faith is the foundation of your relationship. A shared belief in Christ provides common ground and mutual understanding, which can help you both grow spiritually and emotionally. Before pursuing a relationship, it is important to evaluate your relationship with God. Are you rooted in His word? Are you pursuing a life that reflects His teachings? When a man and woman align in their faith, it sets the stage for a strong, Christ-centered relationship.

Intentionality in Relationships

Christian dating is about more than just having fun or passing time—it is about finding a life partner who shares your values and is committed to growing in faith with you. Be intentional in your relationships. This means having clear, open conversations about your goals, boundaries, and expectations. It’s crucial to communicate honestly about your intentions and to seek God’s guidance in every step of the relationship.

Guarding Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." This verse reminds us of the importance of protecting our emotions and not giving our hearts away too quickly. In a dating relationship, it is easy to become emotionally attached before you truly know the other person. Take time to build a solid friendship first, and let your relationship develop naturally. Protecting your heart means setting boundaries that honor God and allow the relationship to grow healthily.

Seeking Community

Surrounding yourself with a community of fellow believers is essential in Christian dating. Having trusted friends, family, or mentors to provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability can make a significant difference in your dating journey. They can offer wisdom, pray with you, and help you discern whether your relationship is God-honoring. Don’t be afraid to seek advice or ask for prayer as you navigate the complexities of dating.

Pursuing Purity

In today’s culture, purity is often dismissed or misunderstood. However, for Christians, sexual purity is a crucial aspect of dating. God’s design for sex is within the covenant of marriage and honoring that design means saving sex for marriage. Pursuing purity involves setting physical boundaries, avoiding situations that may lead to temptation, and keeping each other accountable. Remember, purity is not just about physical boundaries—it is also about keeping your thoughts, intentions, and emotions aligned with God’s will.

Trusting in God’s Timing

One of the most challenging aspects of Christian dating is trusting in God’s timing. It can be difficult to remain patient when it seems like everyone around you is in a relationship or getting married. However, it’s important to remember that God’s timing is perfect. He knows your needs and desires and has a plan for your life. While waiting, focus on growing your relationship with God, serving others, and becoming who He’s called you to be. Trust that He will bring the right person into your life at the right time.

Prayer as a Cornerstone

Prayer is the foundation of any strong Christian relationship. From the moment you consider dating someone, prayer should be your go-to. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and guidance as you navigate the relationship. Pray for your partner and ask God to help you grow closer to Him. Regularly pray together as a couple, inviting God into your relationship and seeking His will above all else.


When approached with the right mindset and heart, Christian dating can lead to a beautiful and fulfilling relationship that honors God. You can navigate the dating world with confidence and grace by grounding your relationship in faith, being intentional, guarding your heart, seeking community, pursuing purity, trusting in God’s timing, and prioritizing prayer. Remember, a relationship built on the love of Christ will stand the test of time.

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