Focus on the Christian fundamentals of spiritual enlightenment

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2020

On the day of his death Jesus abstained from protecting himself, released all emotions of anger, frustration, and pain, then offered compassion and forgiveness to those persecuting him.


Spiritual enlightenment transforms our lives and takes us into conformity to God’s will both doctinallly and in how we live our lives as followers of Christ.


We share our desires for understanding, love, and peace with others, whether in small or large ways.


What is Enlightenment, and Does it Matter?


Enlightenment is a popular term thrown around by a variety of philosophers and religions. The word “enlightenment” used by Emmanuel Kant is not the equivalent of Buddhist enlightenment, but they share several similarities. Enlightenment is getting an accurate view of the world and how it works. It is much more common to view the world through distorted glasses.


The term ‘spiritual enlightenment’ usually has overtones of New Age and Eastern mysticism, tracing its roots to Buddhism, Gnosticism, and Hinduism. Teachings about goodness of the inner self, transcendentalism, or worshiping angels are contrary to Scripture (Romans 3:23). Christians believe God is the ultimate Spirit, and any search for enlightenment must lead to Him through His Son.

Peter 5:6-7 tells us: "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. " Being exalted is our Christian enlightenment. 


Should Christians seek spiritual enlightenment?


Jesus Christ is our enlightener. Jesus is now alive after His crucifixion to bring us the benefits of His shed blood by His indwelling Spirit which He sends to us. We yield to the Spirit in order maintain our enlightenment, and we do not revert back to trying to use our own willpower. Without this, we could have no enlightenment.

Christians are disciples of Jesus Christ (Acts 11:26). They make Jesus the Lord of their life and have been “born again” into the family of God (John 3:3). This act of receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior is the ultimate ‘spiritual enlightenment’ as Jesus exclaimed, “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12). When women invite Him into our lives, He sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us (1 Corinthians 6:19). That which was dead inside comes to life. The dark in life develops light. Therefore, a born-again Christian has already attained true spiritual enlightenment.

Our prejudices, hurts from the past, misconceptions and biases taint our perception. We are driven by habit and polluted by our past experiences. It is very difficult to peel all of that away and see our world accurately. It may take a lifetime to get to a high level of enlightenment.

God stated, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Christians get to know Him through accepting His Son’s sacrifice for our sin (Romans 10:9), living guided by the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16), and reading His Word (John 17:17).


Our understanding deepens as we grow in our faith (Proverbs 9:10). We start to see life from His viewpoint (Isaiah 55:8,9), and, as we obey Him, we acquire wisdom (Psalm 128:1). So, within that context, I think Christians should seek ‘spiritual enlightenment’ = living a life guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. To have a relationship with God and align our will with His is the goal of human existence. The more we know Jesus Christ, the more enlightened we are (John 1:4,5). Any other path leads only to darkness (Matthew 22:!3).


It is unnecessary to live alone in a cave or become a Buddhist monk to reach a higher level of enlightenment. “Come now, let us reason together says the Lord.” Isaiah 1:18. Our goal is to get close to God and only do that by understanding his son Jesus Christ. All that is required is to pay attention and observe your thoughts. “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.” (Matthew 6:22–23, NASB)


There are many advantages to living a life guided by the power of the Holy Spirit:


  1. It is unreasonable to feel jealous, offended, or have other negative emotions if you are enlightened. When the power of the Holy Spirit guides you, it is obvious how spiritually ‘un-enlightened’ others are. The bible says, do not judge and be cautious of what you say.  You are much more likely to feel compassion toward someone who acts or speaks against you than to feel offended. You do not get drawn into their energy.

  2. You do not feel the need to impress others. You will no longer chase after achievements or possessions to show off. You will be free to engage in your true passions without regard for the opinion of anyone else.

  3. Simple things grow to be much more enjoyable. Eating a pear or going for a nature walk can be as satisfying as driving a sports car. The most successful individual is not the one that has the most. It is the person that is happiest and most satisfied with what they already have.


Enlightenment has a lot to offer. But how does one become more enlightened? It is straightforward yet laborious. Avoid the mistake of assuming that mental exercise does not involve effort. Developing enlightenment is challenging, in the same way, eating only one potato chip is challenging.


“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe…” (Ephesians 1:18–19, NASB)


Try these strategies on your journey to spiritual enlightenment:

  1. Meditate. “There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.” (John 1:9, NASB). Meditation is considered the main tool to reach enlightenment. Christians should spend time meditating on God’s word (Psalm 119:15).
  2. Pay attention. Consider your feelings and thoughts as they arise. If you are sitting in traffic, annoyed that you will be late for something, note the feelings and consider the origin. What do you feel? Why? Will these feelings help in any way? Do you always respond this way in similar situations?
  3. Play the role of the observer. Paying attention is not sufficient. Do your best to be objective and non-judgmental in your observations. Imagine you are an outsider observing the situation. You have nothing to gain or to lose. Be impartial. Spot the rise and fall of your emotions without getting involved. Be a scientist.
  4. Have patience. Developing enlightenment is like preparing for the Olympics. It takes years to build the conditioning and expertise. Enjoy the fact that you’re making small amounts of progress each day. It takes time.
  5. Let go of the past. If you are still upset that your dad walked out on the family when you were six, you are not enlightened. Being detached from negative experiences from the past is half of the challenge to enlightenment. Let them go.



“The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness until now. The one who loves his brother abides in the Light and there is no cause for stumbling in him. But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” (1 John 2:9–11, NASB)


Christians have tried to establish what is right or wrong for them to do for centuries. The Corinthian church was in a sinful city full of pagan rituals. Paul urged them to be wise about their choices in 1 Corinthians 10:23.


Enlightenment is a worthy goal for all human beings. It is hard work, but the benefits are considerable. You will no longer have to be controlled by your emotions or feel the need to impress anyone. You can enjoy a freedom that you have never felt before – and it feels great!

There is a lot of freedom in the Christian faith because God has always looked at the heart.

“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”(1 Samuel 16:7)


Love is the proof of Christian enlightenment.


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34–35, NASB)


Start your journey to ‘spiritual enlightenment’ = living a life guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, today!


Prayer Journal Prompt

Whatever is coming up for me today, I will focus on living this day in a way that God will be proud of me.



To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life. 

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