God Is Delighted When You Have An Active Prayer Life

spirituality Feb 09, 2020

God Is Never a Passive Listener

Worship focuses on who God is. During prayer, make time to give praise to God. Pray because God loves you so much He sent His only begotten son to die on a cross for you. When you develop an active prayer life, you begin to see the ways that God responds to your requests.


David recorded an exciting moment in Psalm 18.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.” - Psalm 18:6


Prayer directs our thoughts and our hearts to God. David speaks about God hearing his prayers, but he makes one more point. In the next verse, David discusses how smoke poured from God’s nostrils and how God was furious on his behalf. God is more powerful than any problems we face.


God is already at work around you. It is tempting to consider God as a passive listener. You might imagine Him as this kindly grandfather type listening to your prayers before patting you on the head and sending you on your way, without actually doing anything.


When we faithfully pray, it reaffirms that we have faith in God’s will. Psalm 18 eloquently reminds us that God is not passive. God is always active. God is always working on your behalf. You can rest assured that when you pray, God is not ignoring you. God is listening to your words, and they are spurring Him to act.


God wants you to be active in your communion with him.

God is an active listener, so be active in prayer. We frequently forget that God uses prayers to shield and protect us from dangers. Active praying recognizes that God is an active God and loves to interact in your life. 


“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” – Matthew 7:7 KJV


It is essential to be deliberate in your personal spiritual development. Pray because you are can and are free to do so.


God wants to change our lives and have us see the results of our active prayers. Pray with gratitude in your heart. Pray out of an overflow of thankfulness in your heart.


God is worthy of all our praise. We should be thorough about praising Him during our prayer time. Active prayer life can be a significant piece of your spiritual development as you explore your relationship with God.


We often only pray as our ‘last resort’, when all other possibilities have been exhausted. If we do this, we behave as though God is some distant, uncaring character who does not wish to be bothered by us until we are in serious need.


But, nothing is further from the truth. God desires to have an active relationship with us. He welcomes us to tell Him everything that concerns us.

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