How Learning From Successes Can Boost Your Self-Esteem  

spirituality Aug 07, 2022


We need to humble ourselves before god, and He will honor us. This humbleness does not mean that Christians should carry the burden of low self-esteem. Learning from successes can boost your self-esteem. You learn more about yourself and your strengths. Everyone excels in at least one area, and often in more than one. A Spiritual Gifts Assessment helps you understand your God-given talents. This can help you understand where your best skills lie. You should then do activities that empower you to take advantage of those proven abilities more often.


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” – James 1:17 KJV



If you do something well, you feel a sense of accomplishment. Your confidence surges because you were able to achieve something that either helped you or helped others. In many cases, you were the best choice for the task and were more easily able to achieve it than others. When you are having a challenging time or struggling with trials, it is valuable to look back at previous successes. And, do every task for the Lord. Your sense of being a good woman should not depend on what you do, but rather on who you are in Christ. This helps you realize that you can do great things and succeed at whatever you are doing now.


“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” – Proverbs 16:3.


Life throws us curveballs. They makes us uncomfortable. That can cause us to struggle with tasks we are not used to completing. The key is to remember that even during these difficult times, we can adapt and succeed. Jesus was the ultimate example of adaptability as the Son of God came to be the Son of Man. Reflect on when you had successes, especially those tasks others struggled with and called upon you to do. Jesus made us worthy and purchased us to be His people.


 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” – Philippians 4:13.


By reflecting on your successes and realizing you can adapt and do many tasks well, you will learn that whatever challenge you face can also be overcome. You must focus on the job. Utilize the lessons you have learned from past successes. Work to overcome the present challenge. By taking time to reflect and learn from your past achievements, you can keep your self-esteem during times of great difficulty and be able to overcome virtually any challenge that comes your way. With healthy self-esteem, we will value ourselves enough to not become involved in sin that enslaves us.

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