National Women’s Health Week starts each year on Mother’s Day to encourage women and girls to prioritize their health. Preventing a heart attack should be one of the things that concern women most.
According to a 2018 CDC report, at 21.8%, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States (followed by cancers at 20.5%).
And while it is not possible to completely prevent a heart attack, there are several important ways to help guard yourself against suffering a heart attack.
Coaches like me will continue to advise about ways to prevent heart attacks until the number of people suffering the effects decreases significantly. If you have yet to take seriously the warnings and advice you have heard, seen, and read, please read on to learn about simple ways of heart attack prevention for almost everyone.
Because the heart is a muscle, it can be worked out and conditioned just like all other body muscles. Just like we can distinguish between people in good shape and people in poor shape, we can differentiate between hearts in good condition or poor shape. One of the best ways to maintain your heart’s health and prevent a heart attack is to get in shape. Exercise is so, so important in trying to avoid a heart attack from taking you.
The Surgeon General recommends 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise for adults, like brisk walking or bicycling, every week. Children and adolescents should get 1 hour of physical activity every day.
Taking the time for exercise and getting in shape should be high on your list of priorities. The three biggest excuses I hear from people about why they are not in better shape are that they are too tired, too busy, and that exercising costs too much money. When a possible heart attack is on the line, none of these three excuses seem valid enough to stop you from getting your body in good shape.
Being too tired to exercise is ironic because exercise is one of the best ways to gain energy and help people sleep well at night. Therefore, the best way to have the energy to exercise is to start exercising. Do not immediately jump up from the couch and run a marathon; look for small, quick ways to incorporate exercise into your day. Even a small amount of brisk walking will do wonders in helping you prevent a heart attack.
Claiming you lack time to exercise reflects what you care most about. Look at your days and see what you are making time for: eating out, sleeping in, and watching television. Finding fifteen or twenty minutes daily will become easy and doable if you desire to get in shape and help prevent a heart attack.
Getting in shape does not have to cost you much money. Almost everyone I know can get outside and walk for free. No one says heart attack prevention requires membership at the most expensive and exclusive athletic club. Heart attack prevention can be as simple as throwing on a pair of old sneakers and going out for a walk or a jog.
Your heart is worth it. Regardless of the sacrifices you must make to get in shape, preventing a heart attack is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself and the ones you love.
The information and content on Life Coach for Ladies Website or provided by email is not intended to replace an individual relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Sandra Krug and Krug Enterprises of Manatee LLC encourage you to continue visiting with and being treated by your primary care physician or health care provider. Only a Licensed Medical Professional can diagnose certain ailments and prescribe treatments and medications for you. Do not ignore or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of any information obtained from Life Coach for Ladies/Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC/Sandra Krug. Consult your Medical Professional regarding all nutritional supplements to evaluate if the exercise could adversely affect or react with any medications or pre-existing conditions. Stop any activity immediately if you have any adverse reaction. Sandra and Life Coach for Ladies are not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician, psychologist, or any other licensed/registered professional. Sandra Krug and Life Coach for Ladies will not diagnose, treat, or cure, in any manner, any disease, condition, or other physical or mental ailments.
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