How to Improve Your Life with Self-Hypnosis

life coaching Sep 24, 2020

The skill of self-hypnosis often gets dismissed as being "new age." But, just like nearly everything in life, if you genuinely believe in yourself and the practice, it can prove to be very helpful.


So, What Is It?


Self-hypnosis is a method of hypnosis that you can perform on yourself. It certainly comes in handy because you will not need anyone else to help you obtain the many benefits of hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is now a big part of modern hypnotherapy.


How Does It Help Out?


The applications for self-hypnosis are virtually endless. If you have a challenge that you wish to resolve, chances are, self-hypnosis can help you find your answer. Self-hypnosis can wipe out the obstacles that keep you from achieving your goals.


Examples of challenges self-hypnosis help resolve:


  • Drinking, smoking, or other unhealthy habits
  • Managing pain, including chronic pain or the pain of childbirth or surgery
  • Managing stress
  • Personal improvement
  • Problem-solving


When you put self-hypnosis into practice, you can get yourself through pretty much any life challenge!


Performing Self-Hypnosis


The picture of hypnosis that you have in mind right now is probably the image of a person holding a pocket watch, counting backward and saying, "you're getting sleeeeepy." Sorry, but that is only in the movies!


Therapeutic hypnosis is not about deceiving people or forcing them to fall asleep. Hypnosis, even by way of self-hypnosis, is reaching a deep state of relaxation.


The truth is, self-hypnosis is comparable to meditation. But, meditation has more of a focus on your breathing and staying in the moment, while self-hypnosis takes things further to work out one specific issue.


A self-hypnosis session will usually last from 15 minutes to 1 hour. It is flexible, so you can find a session duration that works nicely for you.


Imagery During Self-Hypnosis


One way that self-hypnosis varies from meditation is in its utilization of imagery. When your goal is relaxation, imagine yourself in a location that you find relaxing. It could be an actual place that you have been to or a place in your mind that you have always dreamed of visiting.


Make Use Of Affirmations


Self-hypnosis regularly makes use of affirmations. Affirmations are short encouraging statements, like mantras, that you repeat to yourself numerous times a day. The fundamental characteristics of a good affirmation are the following:


  • Spoken in first person
  • Spoken in present tense
  • Spoken in positive manner


For instance, if you are using affirmations for childbirth, you may say, "I am having a calm birth," even if you have not entered active labor yet. The purpose is to positively train your mind to think of the situation, which helps build comfort and confidence.


Affirmations are more effective than you think, which is why they are helpful during self-hypnosis.


Scripts and CDs


Employing the help of scripts and CDs, everyone can enjoy the benefits of self-hypnosis. They are popular choices because they will allow you to benefit from affirmations, imagery, and music without planning steps out yourself. They steer you through the complete session.


When you want to try self-hypnosis, remember that there are no strict guidelines. As long as you can get some time to yourself and close your eyes and relax, you can explore the world of self-hypnosis.

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