How Women With Great Self-Worth Think

personal development May 19, 2020

Genuinely confident and happy women are the ones with high self-worth. But how do they come to be that way? Are some women born with a more straightforward feeling of value? Or do they make a routine of acting a certain way, which helps to keep them feeling optimistic regarding who they are?


If you talk to women with great self-worth, you find several factors in common. Women who feel good about themselves tend to think a certain way. Let's look at a few ideas that keep women feeling worthy even when life gets complicated.


They Understand Where Mistakes Fit

Every woman messes up now and again. The women with self-worth recognize this. They show accountability for their actions but acknowledge that just because something went wrong does not alter who they are as people. They still respect themselves even when they make mistakes.


They Do Not Get Caught in the Trappings of Life

Who you are has much less to do with what you have than you may think. It does not make a difference how much money is in your bank account, if you have the proper education, or whether you are wearing the right clothes. Your value has to do with who you are on the inside more than outside. You are worthy even when you have very little in the way of money or possessions.


They Do Not Chase Happiness

Your worth has little to do with the emotions you may feel at any particular instant. When you are unhappy, it does not mean that you are unworthy. You are going to feel what you are going to feel. Women with high self-worth realize this and accept their emotions for what they are: a reflection of their emotional state and not individual value.


They Take Responsibility for How They Feel

If you have solid feelings of self-worth, you do not need others to define who you are. This also means you give up any victim mentality. No one can get you to feel something without your permission. There is more fact to this than you may realize. It is up to you to define who you are. No one else has this right.


Of course, there are other things women with great self-worth do. They practice empathy, especially to themselves. They love their jobs and set goals that make sense to them. The common thread? They do things that honor themselves. They do not make compromises or get caught up in doing what they think they should but instead focus on what is correct for them.


You can do this, too, by merely paying attention to your choices and holding fast to who you are.

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