Affirmation: I Am Mentally Strong, Even Through the Busy Holidays

affirmations Dec 19, 2020

I am strong. I am happy while I am busy, and I have no fear. I challenge myself to achieve a lot during the holidays because I enjoy the fulfillment it gives me. I like to do things each day.


Spending time with family and friends is essential to me. I enjoy the time with others and realize that it helps me to stay happy.


If I am active, worries and stress leave my mind. I push any cares away and focus on the many tasks at hand. As I come to be more focused, I see my enjoyment of the present moment growing. I stay mentally sharp and happy no matter what life throws my way. I understand the significance of peace.


Remaining peaceful and strong is a choice I make. I am the controller of my thoughts. Holiday tasks that used to frighten or upset me excite me today. I take on each challenge as I come to it and stay mentally strong. I welcome these obstacles and embrace them each time they appear.


Instead of attempting to avoid them, facing challenges is one of the various methods to keep my mind strong. By living my life this way, I remain steadfast in moving forward. 


Today, I am strong, and I can handle my active life.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What will I do to remain strong and healthy when life is busy?
  2. How will I get others to support me, so I am not busy and stressed out?
  3. What is the best way to take time when I have many other things to do?


Let me help you get prepared & organized for the upcoming holiday season. A jam-packed schedule, family stuff, financial strain...does this sound familiar? But it does not have to be that way, friends. You are in control of your holiday plans, your holiday spending & your holiday joy.  


Remember: shop mindfully, give joyfully, and breathe easily. ๐ŸŽ„


Here are some tips to combat that overwhelm:

  • ๐Ÿ’ตBuy from small stores instead of amazon. #shopsmall  
  • ๐Ÿ“† Rather than over-commit yourself & your family, select a few activities you enjoy and decline the other invites.  
  • ๐Ÿ’ŒPick one or two ways to spread some joy & holiday cheer in your community but don’t feel you have to do everything. 
  • And most importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself amidst all of the fun & chaos (a solo walk, coffee with your bestie, daily meditating on God's Word, snuggling on the couch with a good book, getting a manicure, etc.)  

As you plan your holiday season can you allow yourself to slow down and savor? To pay a little more attention to what is most important to you? I would love to hear how...

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter & gratitude. 


A Prayer for Christmas Eve

“Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.” - Robert Louis Stevenson


I wish you a very merry Christmas. The birth of our savior is a time of celebration a time to give thanks. I appreciate all of my lovely ladies for reading my blogs and participating in my courses!


Remember to take care of yourself and enjoy all of the wonders of Christmas!


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