Keep Your Mental Health Strong Throughout the Holidays

health Nov 16, 2020

The holidays may be a very challenging time. You might have concerns about weight gain, family members, work, money, and all kinds of other things. The delightful news is that you can maintain your mental health strength and vibrancy during the holidays, even with all these concerns.


You are able to have great joy in the busiest of times with some positive choices. Happiness comes from inside, and taking control of your life gives you both confidence and joy. But during the holiday season, it may look as if your life gets out of control very quickly. There is constantly too much to do. And, people are largely more demanding of your time and energy.


Three actions to protect and preserve your mental health during the holidays:


  1. Keep in mind the importance of quiet time. One of the most substantial stressors you may have to deal with when the holidays are in full swing is the shortage of personal time. It is easy to get wrapped up in everyone else's drama and not take any time for yourself. Make time for yourself so you come up with the strength to pour into others.
  2. Schedule a few minutes each day to unwind and relax. You will be happier and more interested in doing things with others.


  1. Find time to pursue your inner peace. You can pray, meditate, exercise, sit, watch a little television, or read a good book. Whatever you do in your downtime, learn that allowing that time is vital.


Your Hectic Holiday Season is Short-term


Holidays involve more of your time and effort, but the season will soon pass. Keep your head up when you are doing all the extra things you have to do. Those extras will only be for a couple of months. Things will go back to routine, and your life's balance will restore quickly.


When you have difficulty dealing with the holiday season, do what you would typically do when the holidays are over. That way, you will feel more focused, and your routine will be more familiar to you. For example, consider:

  • Eat right to provide your body with the fuel it needs for energy
  • Exercise each day to stay fit and work off accumulated stress
  • Get your work done on time, so you're not frustrated and overly busy at home
  • Keep your house clean, so you have less to do after the holidays are over
  • Plan something special so you can relax after the holidays are over


There are lots of ways you can maintain robust mental health. You can even tell affirmations to yourself every day to help maintain a positive attitude. You may feel silly at first, but you will soon see the benefits of incorporating positive thinking into your daily routine. Take several minutes each morning when you get up and before you go to bed to compliment yourself.


Your mental health and vitality are vital to you and the people who rely on you. Because of that, you must keep yourself alert and energetic throughout the holidays. Concentrating on what matters to you and paying attention to what is essential go a long way toward keeping you mentally healthy.

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