Kindness Makes A Girl Strong!

health Apr 20, 2020

Being Kind Gets You Nowhere. Or Does It?


"Have you ever noted how much of Christ's life was spent doing kind things?" - Henry Drummond

Do you believe the phrase, "nice guys finish last?" Women often believe that being kind means you are weak and can be easily taken advantage of by others.

But is this correct?

Women are taught that behind every smile, there is a hidden motive.

We are apprehensive and skeptical when others show kindness to us.

Kindness does not equate to weakness. Quite the opposite, it takes great amounts of strength to show kindness to somebody who thinks differently than you do or is slowing your progress somehow.


Benefits of Kindness

Women who perform regular acts of kindness are often more successful, have more social friends, and are more well-liked than those who do not. It is advantageous to your overall mental health.

Ways being kind helps your success:

  • Kindness improves confidence. Studies show kindness boosts self-worth.
  • People remember those who are helpful and kind. It will set you apart, in a good way, from others.
  • Kindness generates a ripple effect. One person's kind act in some way spreads to others, which in turn spreads kindness. Kindness is contagious, fostering more kindness.
  • Kindness evokes a sense of trust. Studies show that even before establishing their credibility, kind leaders who project kindness are more successful than those who lead by being difficult.
  • Kindness increases performance of employees. Being kind to people makes them more contented, which in turn makes them more diligent.
  • Kindness bridges gaps between people. It reaches across barriers in gender, locality, religion, or whatever else that triggers people to miscommunication.

The inspirational adventurer, Luis Benitez, summited the Seven Summits 32 times. He says kindness and compassion are essential to overcoming both physical and mental challenges. He often encounters staggering challenges during his climbs.

He gives an illustration, "Say you notice someone limping the day you need to reach the next basecamp. Instead of cursing the weakness and disregarding the pain, they are in, you take a break and bandage their feet so that they can keep up with you."

This is not just altruism. If a member of the group lost their ability to hike, the entire group might have to go back to the start. Pausing to support your partner ensures you reach your goals.

Kindness is the secret to a fulfilling and successful life. Always be kind because your actions have a bigger impact than you realize, not only on you but others as well.


“Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others.”  Mother Theresa


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