Make Jesus Fresh on the Mind

spirituality Jan 05, 2020

Women live in a culture obsessed with time, and we never seem to have enough of it. So in the middle of all this hustle and bustle, how do we make time for Jesus? We can certainly pray about different matters or persons in our lives, but the Lord Jesus is a living Lord who wants to have a relationship with us.

So, we should first come to Him to enjoy His presence, rather than starting our day by bringing Him all the things on our “wish list.” Then when we first contact the Lord in our spirit and enjoy Him in His Word, He will lead us to pray for these matters according to His will.

Making Time for Jesus

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, becoming a Christian, being born again, or whatever phrases you use to explain or define your relationship with God signify a commitment. When aligning yourself with Jesus, you are committing to be faithfully obedient to him.

But are you? Are you indeed committed? Or is your relationship with Jesus like a gym membership …in name only? Jesus needs… no… He anticipates…even demands more from us than an in-name-only commitment. Time and time again, we read in God’s Word that to be a Christian is who you are—not what you do.

Make the Time to Get to Know Jesus Better

Please think back to the day you took (and passed) your driver’s test. Oh, what a glorious day! What a milestone! What freedom!

It didn’t just happen, though, did it? You practiced driving. You drove (no pun intended) your parents nuts, asking them to let you drive whenever the car left the garage. You learned to back out of parking places. You learned to yield, merge, wait your turn at 4-way stops, and all those other things that come naturally to you now. You practiced because, more than anything else, you wanted to hear the words, “You passed.”

Please think about what happened after hearing those two magic words and had the license in hand (goofy picture and all). What did you do? Did you throw caution to the wind, driving on your terms instead of continuing obeying the rules of the road?

No! You don’t because you know it doesn’t work like that. To keep the privilege of having a driver’s license, you have to know and follow the rules. Well, guess what? Being a Christian is kind of like driving. How you ask? For the reason that after you become a Christian, you can not just go your way; living life on your terms. You have to live like Jesus. And the only way to live like Jesus is to make time to know Him up-close and personal-like.

Here is how:

  • Read and study the Bible
  • Listen to the Bible on CD or your phone while driving, walking, or doing household chores
  • Listen to Christian music in the car, on the treadmill, or while working around the house
  • Join a Bible study. Everyone deserves a couple of hours a week getting away from work, the kids, and the other business we call life. And what better way to spend that couple of hours than getting to know Jesus and your brothers and sisters in Christ better?
  • Memorize a few key and favorite verse—and yes, you can do it
  • Pray

Jesus tells us to come to Him in prayer and that He will speak, answer, console, and counsel—pray short, simple prayers throughout your day.

Pray as if Jesus is by your side having a heart-to-heart, one-on-one conversation…because you are.


Make use of your time, talents, and treasure to serve others in the name of Jesus.

Be a part of your church—more than just a Sunday seat-warmer.

Committing to Jesus requires you to follow the rules for Godly living. You cannot do that, though, unless you know what Jesus’ definition and expectations for Godly living are. And the only way you can learn these things is to make your commitment to him a priority…your top priority.

Is it?


When you commence your spiritual journey, the path can often be confusing, overwhelming, and downright difficult. Take your time and go at your own pace. Just begin! If you would like to communicate with a Life Coach about your spiritual journey, or anything else, please submit your information here


"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the SpiritSpeaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord," Ephesians 5:18,19. These verses tell us singing with our hearts to the Lord is a way to fill our spirit with His Spirit. is a resource of hymns with accompanying music.

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