Make Time to Spotlight the Awesome Truth of Jesus

spirituality Apr 05, 2020

Making Time to Share Jesus With Others

Years ago, a young country doctor just starting his career faced an outbreak of typhoid in the small farming community he settled in. In the first few days after arriving and ‘putting out his shingle,’ nearly a dozen people came to see him—all of whom had typhoid. He knew what it was. He knew how to treat it. The question was, had he gotten there in time?

Unfortunately for three families, the answer was no. One family lost two of their three small children to the disease by the end of the young doctor’s first month there. He was devastated. In his heart and mind, he was a complete failure. He tried to move beyond the emotional pain and defeat, but he could not. A few months later, without saying a word, he left to live out the rest of his life working as a farmer and determined not to tell anyone what he was.

Fast-forward a few years. The young doctor fell in love and got married. Before long, the couple was expecting a baby. As soon as the time came for the baby to be born, he called for the local midwife to help his wife deliver their child because not even she (his wife) knew of her husband’s medical profession.

There were complications, and the midwife told the man that he had to choose whether to save his wife or the baby. When he heard why he had to choose, he knew it did not have to be that way. He knew it was possible to save both mother and child. But did he dare try? What if he failed…again? No! He could not let his selfish fears keep him from sharing life with the woman he loved and their child. Without saying a word, he went into the room where his wife was lying, took matters into his own skilled hands, and within minutes, was handing his son to his wife, who was both amazed and thankful for the man who was her husband.

What is keeping you from sharing Jesus with others?

We are all too quick to excuse being too busy to take the time to communicate the ‘Good News of the Gospel’ to others. But is it just that? Or is it fear? Embarrassment? Timidity? Feelings of inadequacy? Whatever it is, it is rubbish!

Look what the Bible says about this: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

And… But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James 1:22

When accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit empowers you. There is no reason to be afraid, shy, or incapable of showing and telling others the Good News. The Holy Spirit does it for you, working through you. The doctor had to get out of the way of his fears. You have to get out of the way and let Jesus work in and through your life.


As you commence your spiritual journey, the path can often be confusing, overwhelming, and downright difficult. Take your time and go at your own pace. Just begin! If you would like to communicate with a Life Coach about your spiritual journey or anything else, please submit your information here

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