Make Your Prayer Life a Powerful Conversation with God

spirituality Apr 14, 2024

 Like many of us, my client Barbara struggled with prayer for years. She longed to be close to God, to hear His voice, and to walk with Him as others did. But when it came to prayer, she felt awkward and unsure what to say.

During our coaching session, I encouraged her to spend fifteen minutes a day trying to pray. I explained, "It feels awkward because God is a stranger to you. You have heard about Him. And you have accepted Jesus. But you do not truly have a relationship with Him...yet."

Many women are like Barbara. They want to develop a relationship with God but struggle with prayer. It might be helpful to consider your early prayers a "blind date." Naturally, you will feel awkward—you do not know God yet. Not personally.


When we persist through the initial awkwardness and continue to 'meet' for regular 'dates' (i.e., prayer time), we will cultivate a relationship—a profound, enduring relationship with God that will carry us through life's trials. This relationship will console us in our darkest hours and remind us that we always have a steadfast Friend who will never forsake us.


Reaching this stage does indeed demand time and deliberate effort. However, we can rest assured that our efforts will be rewarded.


Daily prayer helps you grow in your prayer life because you prioritize God daily.

There are steps you can take to nurture and fortify your prayer life:

  • believe God will work all things out for good
  • bring His truth into your hearts
  • focus on others who need God to enter into their lives
  • give thanks in all circumstances
  • memorize Scripture because it is God's Word
  • pray Scripture, so you are speaking the Word of God back to Him
  • pray with other people
  • pray without ceasing
  • seek forgiveness for your sins
  • stop the noise and listen to what God is saying
  • take time to praise God


Make Your Prayer Life a Powerful Conversation with God

Since prayer is how we communicate with God, the more we learn to pray and listen during prayer time, the more we can hear from Him.



Would you like a list of 21 Bible verses on prayer?

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