Merrily Adjust Your Sails for a Hardier Future, Girl

personal development Dec 31, 2019


It is the time of the year, again, when we break open our shiny new planners and start dreaming big. Next year will be different! I can feel it! Of course, as the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So, this year, I would like to invite you to try something different!


“When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails” is an inspirational quote from writer H. Jackson Brown, Jr. It has depth and meaning if things are going on in the life that you cannot control.


The only issues you can change are the ones over which you have some control. Therefore, you need to find a way to adjust your sails and look to the future rather than spending more time on what is not working.

When a sailor knows a storm is coming from a particular direction, he or she will adjust their sails and let the wind blow them in the opposite direction. Remaining on the same course would mean being caught up in a disaster that could sink the boat.


It is the same with life. Persisting on a course where disaster is looming and just waiting to take you down makes it difficult for you to ever get out of the “storm” and head to safe passage.

It is difficult to change a course that you have been on for a long time. That course is familiar, and even though filled with turmoil, it can be oddly comforting.


Taking an unfamiliar course of action may be intimidating, but necessary if you are to take action and make changes that will bring about success and happiness.

  • The main thing you must do to free yourself of fear for the uncharted course is to stop worrying. Practice switching negative thoughts with positive ones. Soon it will become an automatic habit.
  • Mentally prepare yourself by amassing knowledge about your new course of action and visualizing yourself in the new role in your future. You may still run into situations you are not prepared for. You will; make some wrong decisions on the path. But, perseverance will get you across the dark and stormy seas and guide you to safety.
  • Next, eliminate the negative elements from your life. This may be difficult because some of the negative aspects may actually be friends, family, and others. This is a crucial action that must occur before you can get through the current storm in your life.

When developing a plan, you can use the SMART approach to make sure your information is used.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Set SMART goals, take action on them and stay the course. You will soon realize your dreams and desires for the future.

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