New to Hosting a Thanksgiving Celebration?

life coaching Nov 21, 2019

Thanksgiving is more than breaking bread with your family and friends. Are you new to hosting the yearly feast? Not too positive concerning your hosting skills? Well, you are not the only one. Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is challenging for the inexperienced. Arranging a glorious celebration is pretty challenging. Have you brushed up on your skills cooking the classics yet? Are you anxious about taking the reigns as this year’s hostess?

I am on the same page. The list of to-dos can keep your head spinning. Guess what? No one says you have to do it alone. Using the assistance and a few extra hands might be worth it. Do not tie yourself up with a long list of chores. Although you are the hostess, you ought to have the merriment of the holidays too. If you are busy juggling a zillion chores and stressing over the nitty-gritty, the spirit of cozy thanksgiving dinner is lost.

Don’t you want to greet and help your guests relax and enjoy the holiday with ease? Performing the role of a stellar hostess is not too difficult, provided you have mastered the tricks of organizing like a dream.


How To Host A Thanksgiving Celebration:


  1. Planning makes a difference


As with everything else that I coach clients on, the holidays are no different. Planning is everything! Do you have a well-organized plan to rely on for a hectic day? If not, you will undoubtedly find yourself bogged down in the stresses of the day. Picture the following list:

  • How many guests will you serve? (Prep work varies with the size of a gathering)
  • Where are you going to set up the spread?
  • Do you have quick and easy go-to recipes?
  • What will you include in your menu (and what not to serve)
  • Jot down short notes and keep them ready and in an easy place to keep reviewing.


  1. Saying yes to help


Unlike a formal affair, Thanksgiving is an intimate, home-like get-together. Are you of the opinion that a hostess must wrap up all things by herself? Wrong! Entrusting some of the tasks to others makes hosting a piece of the cake. Do not shy away from receiving support. (That's actually a good life tip in general!)

Did you know Thanksgiving potlucks are in vogue? Ask your relatives to bring their favorites. You could indulge in the thrills of making some mouthwatering entrees, while your guests could come bearing the tossed salad, roasted veggies, or silky-smooth mashed potatoes.

In short, do not turn down help.


  1. Getting the accessorizing done


Hurried decors are messy and not very impressive. Set up chairs and tables the night before the feast. Lay out your fancy utensils and the beautiful containers for serving. A hint of something personalized is adored by pretty much all. Show your style, have fun, and enjoy the season!


  1. Keeping cold pitchers ready


Everyone in my family loves gulping down some delicious sweet iced tea on Thanksgiving. Line up the tea pitchers in your fridge. Do not miss prepping some fruits for flavorsome add-ins. This can also work for cider, water, or whatever your family loves. Just keep it flowing.



How good a host are you if you are primarily lodged in the kitchen and greeting the invitees is rushed and frantic?  Welcome your guests with a broad smile, a cozy hug, and a chilled glass of tea. 

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