Pray: You May Get Different Results Than You Think

spirituality Jun 21, 2020

God Answers Every Prayer


Christians widely believe that a prayer is a powerful tool for making a difference in the world. But, sometimes Christians assume that their prayer is unanswered if God did not give them what they asked for in prayer.


Yet God always answers His children. Every single time. Every single prayer. In all of history, there have never been nor will there ever be unanswered prayers.


The primary purpose of prayer is to glorify God in any and every situation. God answers every prayer. Not all of our prayers are satisfied with the way we hope or on the anticipated timeline. Maybe you prayed to be married by twenty-five. Perhaps you prayed for a cure for your daughter’s illness.


God could respond to your prayers for a godly spouse when you are twenty-seven or forty-seven. God might answer your prayers for your daughter’s illness after she has suffered for five, ten, or even twenty years.


But when our circumstances do not change, it is often an indication that God is trying to change us. This is where the complexity of prayer happens. It is easy at this point to let doubts distract you. You might even ask, “If I don’t get what I want, what’s the purpose of prayer?”


There is no straightforward answer, except that sometimes we did get an answer, but not quite the answer we thought. We have asked for what we thought was a good thing, but God has given us something else that might seem good not at first but turns out to be good. And at other times, we ask God for something that we again assume is good, but God says, “Yes, but not now.


Sometimes he says, “No”, because you have not asked for a good thing. Sometimes his definition of good differs from ours. And sometimes His timing is somewhat different to ours. So there are all sorts of reasons that we may not see the answer to a prayer. But, there are no unanswered prayers. God is always listening and hearing our prayers.


God wants to hear from His precious daughters, and it starts with prayer. Prayer is how we develop a relationship with God. It is aligning our hearts with His and His purposes. How can you get close to your Father God and walk alongside Him in your purposes for your life if you do not talk to Him?


It bears repeating that God wants good things for us and tells us to pray to him. Let’s stop thinking about it, talking about it, worrying about it, and become prayer warriors in our daily walk with God. You’ve got this, sisters!

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