Shameless: Anxiety And Depression Are Not Controversial, Rare, Or Weird

health Jan 13, 2020

It is not certainly uncommon for women to go through occasional anxiety or depression, especially in response to life's stressors. But, if those feelings become disproportionate or prolonged with no significant reason, it needs to be addressed by a professional


Fortunately, diagnosing and treatment approaches have come a long way, partially thanks to numerous public health campaigns to bring mental health issues 'out of the shadow'.


The co-existence of anxiety and depression is a noted feature of the disorders. While behavioral and emotional symptoms vary within the two, the fact remains that both are unnatural and unwelcome states of a woman's mental health.


Anxiety is described as a constant overwhelming state of fear or worry and can be debilitating with physical manifestations. The symptoms of depression are similar with an unrelenting feeling of despair or sadness.


The precise cause is still uncertain. Fluctuations of brain chemistry, genetic influences, and hormonal functions are all thought to play a part. Regardless of the causes, mental illnesses require and generally respond to professional treatment.


Best Methods of Treating Anxiety and Depression


Our understanding of mental illness has evolved. However, it still presents certain difficulties. Diagnostically speaking, anxiety and depression primarily affect the way a woman feels and thinks and then behaves, in most cases. So, doctors and therapists largely rely upon patients to self-identify these changes in themselves and pursue professional assistance.


In some cases, a family representative or close friend may recognize vulnerable individuals and help request care for them. Once diagnosed, treatments can be very successful, employing a range of approaches, the most common being psychological, aka the talking therapies. 

These therapies are administered by a qualified psychologist and involve either behavior modification (like Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT) or examining intra- and inter-personal patterns or behaviors.


Commonly, work is done to recognize and address major triggers and methods of controlling future events. Therapy is often blended, focusing on improving nutrition and encouraging regular exercise and sleep habits, which actively foster healthy mental conditioning.


Certainly, a safe and effective first step to self-empowerment is taking control of one's dietary regimen. The advantages are both psychological and physiological. Decreasing or eliminating spikes caused by sugar-laden foods and stimulants, such as excess coffee, cigarettes, etc., will help reduce the unbearable sensations related to general anxiety.


Children and Adults are Impacted


Young people and children, sadly, are vulnerable to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. However, mental issues are often trickier to detect in children. After the diagnosis, applied therapies specially created for children can typically assist the child in living a happier and more fulfilled childhood. 


This happier childhood then better prepares the child for dealing with the stresses of teen years and young adulthood. Young adulthood's healthy and safe transition enables the individual to prepare for and live a life feeling in control, empowered, and handle everyday challenges.


After exploring all other options, the use of antidepressant medication may sometimes be involved. This will be contingent on the severity of mental illness and used in combination with psychotherapies. Antidepressants can be effective in certain circumstances. As in all medical cases, treatments are ideally tailored to suit the individual, based on a thorough study of their personal history of symptoms, responses, and environment.

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