Sick And Tired Of Limited Results? Breakthrough With Life Coaching!

life coaching Aug 27, 2020

Life Coaches are wellness experts who support women during personal development transformations in their lives to achieve greater personal and professional satisfaction. Growing resilience is a vital skill that women can learn.


Life Coaches help women develop belief in their powers to cope and even thrive during challenging situations, like the COVID pandemic.


Life coaches help women improve their relationships, careers, and everyday lives. Achieving the next level in your business, finances, health, spirituality, and relationships is easier when you have a coach supporting you. A Life Coach will help with your transformation of healing and up-leveling. Together, you will plan for your most aligned and prosperous future.


Many life problems like depression, stress, anxiety, job problems, marriage problems, relationship conflicts, or even workplace conflicts can be discussed and resolved by a Life Coach. For example, if you feel lost or stuck in a particular career field.


Life Coaches encourage women to prioritize themselves and set boundaries with others.


Life Coaching can help uncover the reasons underlying a woman's anxiety – a crucial first step for conquering their fear. Put an end to any trauma responses and thought obsessions. Life coaching improves confidence and self-esteem, increases life satisfaction and happiness levels, lowers stress, and helps you have a more peaceful mind.


This, in turn, increases energy production brings passion and focus to all of your future endeavors and relationships. Life Coaching can also assist women in developing means to diffuse their anxiety, manage stressful circumstances, and find new and better behaviors to unlock their best life.


Life Coaches help women enact self-care routines and learn to acknowledge their signs of stress to prevent burnout.


Life Coaches are not the same as consultants, mentors, or therapists. A significant distinction between therapy and Life Coaching is the emphasis of the effort. Therapy concentrates on mental health and emotional recovery. Life Coaching centers on establishing and achieving goals.


Life Coaching does not concentrate on the past. Instead, it focuses on the present and creating a future the woman dreams to fulfill.


You can live out your purpose, excel in your business, and have it all…with a Life Coach helping you get there. You deserve to get massive results in all areas of your life. Level up your entire existence to the divine being God created you to be.


Below is a mini “freshen up your life” coaching session.


Spring Clean YOUR Life!

To commit to your life "Spring Clean", complete this summary sheet below:

  • Set goals to freshen up and move forwards with your life!


  Spring Clean Your Life                  

Goal-Setting Sheet





1.  _____________________________ 

2.  _____________________________ 

3.  _____________________________ 

My Top 3 Goals to "Spring Clean" my Life are:                                               

1.  I __________________________________________  by  _________________

2.  I __________________________________________    by  _________________

3.  I __________________________________________    by  _________________

The BENEFITS to Me of My GOALS are:

Think of one inspiring benefit for each Top 3 goal.

1.  ___________________________

2.  ___________________________

3.  ___________________________

My 3 KEY Action Steps are:

Choose one KEY action for each of your Top 3 Goals.

1.  _____________________________ 

____________   by ________________

2.  _____________________________ 

____________   by ________________

3.  _____________________________ 

____________   by ________________


Signed: ________________________

Date:     ________________________

I will LET GO of:  

You might want to let go of; limiting beliefs, bad habits, energy zappers, someone in your life, or something else!

1.  ___________________________

2.  ___________________________

3.  ___________________________




 "To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted."
George Kneller



For personalized coaching and to learn more about LIFE COACH FOR LADIES, visit



Now you have completed this Summary Sheet, cut it out, and put it
somewhere you will see it regularly like your fridge or bathroom mirror.

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