Simple Techniques to Strengthen Your Self-Confidence

personal development Sep 01, 2020

When you believe in yourself and are sure that you will succeed at something, you have self-confidence. Throughout life, your self-confidence level might fluctuate when faced with challenging situations. However, you have the power to build your self-confidence.


Although parents can encourage young children to believe in themselves, only you hold the keys to strengthening your confidence as an adult.


If you feel less self-assured than you would like, you can step up and take action to shore yourself up. Review the following strategies to find inspiration.


Take personal responsibility to build your self-confidence using these methods:


  1. Select a mentor. If you want to believe in yourself, seek someone you think exhibits great self-confidence. Consider this person to be your model of self-confidence. When selecting a mentor, ask yourself:


  • Does she stand straight and strong?


  • Is she relaxed and open to others?


  • In addition to these traits, maybe she has a good sense of humor and looks people straight in the eye when she speaks to them. Or perhaps she models other characteristics you admire. Having someone to emulate is incredibly inspiring. Modeling after your mentor enhances your self-confidence.


  1. Identify what you are doing right in your life. Sure, you know your shortcomings, but what about all those things you do well? Everyone excels at some tasks or activities. Seek out what those things are for you.


  • Make a list of what you believe you are good at.


  • Consider this: no one in the world has the same unique qualities and strengths that you do in the way you do.


  • What are you doing right? If you know the answer to this, your self-confidence will bloom.


  1. Believe you are self-confident. You can most likely identify times and situations when you did not feel particularly positive. Think about how you handled some of them.


  • Put your chin up on good days and plow forward into the situation. You believed you could do it. And chances are, you did!


  • In the future, when you feel the least self-confident, think of your mentor and believe you are confident like her.


  • Believe in yourself. Have faith that you will make it through.


  1. Make a list of your strong points. What character traits do you have to offer that are of great benefit to you or others?


  • Are you patient, kind, or caring? Identify personality characteristics that you are proud of. Ponder your strong points. Knowing yourself will enhance your self-confidence.


  1. In your daily life, notice when you do something well. Perhaps you just cleaned up your car, and it looks awesome. Maybe you completed a report which is the best you have ever written.


  • Recognize each day the times when you excel. Perhaps you helped your child through a difficult time or made a great chocolate cake.


  • Little effort adds up to build your self-confidence.


  1. Celebrate your progress. Take notice of your good fortune.


  • When you have met or surpassed your goals, celebrate! Rejoice in your successes. Congratulate yourself as you build the self-confidence you seek.


  1. Choose optimism as a daily approach to everything. Strive to be positive in life's journey.


  • When you decide to find the best in whatever life brings you, your self-confidence will soar.


Strengthening your self-confidence is within your reach. Choosing a mentor, knowing your strong points, and celebrating the attainment of your goals are just some strategies that build your self-confidence. Promise yourself today that you will strive to strengthen your belief in yourself. You have a legitimate right to live your life with great self-esteem.

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