Thinking Big in Work and Life

personal development Jun 30, 2020

Do you feel like your life is run-of-the-mill? Are you less than thrilled with your current set of circumstances? Perhaps your goals are too small. Have you ever considered that you could be and do much more than you currently represent?


Thinking big is your means to a new life!


Think about these seven ideas:


  1. Sidestep contentment. Did you ever notice that when life takes a dip below what you consider acceptable, you will work like mad to reestablish the normal balance in your life?

  •  For instance, you will do plenty to replace your lost salary if you lose your job. However, you will not work nearly as hard to double your income.

  •  Avoiding contentment is not the same as being constantly unhappy. That would not be a pleasant way to live. However, when you want to achieve something more, you must go all out to live more.

  1. Big goals are exhilarating. Going camping at the same state park for the 10th year in a row is fine, but odds are you will not be that excited about doing it again. Your first trip to Hawaii is another story. Not many things feel better than excitement and anticipation. Big goals deliver you both.

  •  If your goals are not exciting, try aspiring a little higher.

  1. Big goals require fundamental change and growth. Losing five pounds or earning an extra $500 this year involves little change and growth on your part. Dropping 60 pounds or tripling your salary will force you to make significant shifts.

  •  If you want to ‘be all you can be’, you do not have to join the military. You can just set and achieve big goals.

  1. Thinking big reduces the number of distractions in your life. If you have something big that you’re trying to accomplish, you don’t have time to worry about the little stuff. You become more focused and mentally relaxed.

  •  Having a significant objective in your life makes life simpler and, in many ways, more manageable.

  1. Thinking big expands your world. Thinking big makes you recognize your strengths and blindspots. It makes you do things you are not comfortable doing. Your world grows when you become satisfied with things that used to make you feel uncomfortable.

  2. Big thinking can also expand your belief in what is possible. You can challenge limits. You need to view the world differently to accomplish significant goals.

  •  Envision the change of thinking required to develop the first airplane or run a sub-4-minute mile.

  •  Your goals may not seem grand, but your thinking will have to evolve somehow.

  1. You will view everyday trials in life as more minor. A leaky faucet is like small potatoes when attempting to make your first billion dollars. When your plan for the night is to watch Home Town reruns, a leaky faucet can make you say, “I just can’t catch a break.”


Thinking big does a lot for your creativity, confidence and enthusiasm.


It also does wonders for your social life. Picture telling a date that you are working on a plan to dig water wells in Africa. That is more intriguing than talking about the 240-game you bowled last week.


Thinking big is claiming your stake to have a stimulating and purposeful life. You are a worthy woman, capable of achieving anything if you set your mind to it. You need to develop a big goal and carry it out. Elevate your thinking, and your life experience will follow.

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