When You Think It in the Mind, You'll See It In Life

personal development Jul 21, 2020

Anything women believe and think will project how we live our lives. Too many women do not consider this. They often attribute their hardships to chance or fate. Although there are some elements of this within our lives, how we think can change our future.


If you are a negative thinking woman, you will not see answers even when they exist.

You will beat down any notion that comes your way, thinking it is not possible. On the other hand, every idea can become an answer when you maintain a positive outlook. You will find the path much faster than when you do not acknowledge any ideas.

These consequences of positive and negative thinking play out for women repeatedly. Positive women advance where negative women stay stuck in place or, even worse, fall behind.

You will assemble with folks who share a similar mental mindset.

  • Negativity will draw negative thinkers, and positivity will attract positive thinkers. If you get a group of positive thinkers together, who are all open to many ideas, the possibilities are endless.
  • Negative thinkers will find more excuses why their lives are not working for them. They will convert as many people as possible to this way of thinking.


In reality, negativity is a bad habit.

It is almost effortless to get engaged in it due to all the negativity in our world. News stories, friends, even parents can all contribute to us leading negative lives ourselves.

Do not beat yourself up when you find negative thinking popping up. As long as you immediately take steps to reverse it, you can live a better life in the future. Your family, friends, and colleagues will welcome the new you. This process will take some time, but it will pay dividends for the rest of your life.


Not every idea that positive women come up with will be successful.

It is not accurate to suggest that these women have all the answers. They are willing to try anything and evaluate what works and needs improvement. They will be quick to abandon those ideas that are not working.

The excellent thong about this is that negative thinkers can turn their situations around.

They first have to acknowledge they have this challenge. Then, they need to learn how to reflect on what they were doing and counter the negative thought patterns.

Utilizing affirmations is a great way to reverse the cycle.

Positive affirmations are phrases that you repeat to help challenge your negative thoughts and encourage positive transformation in your life. 

Affirmations help you improve not only your mood but your outlook on life. Hearing yourself speak these words of kindness aloud can help with your mental state and boost your mood. Keep a journal and write out your meaningful affirmations. Like saying the affirmations aloud, writing them out helps make them feel more real than simply thinking them. 

Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

  • I am full of energy and optimism.
  • I am happy.
  • I am healthy.
  • I am radiant.
  • I am ready to find joy.
  • I am well prepared for any situation.
  • I am worth it.


These positive affirmations can rewire your brain to improve self-perception, self-esteem, confidence, and problem-solving abilities.


        Make positive thoughts a part of your everyday routine! 


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