Worrying About Making Mistakes Is The Greatest Mistake Of All

life coaching Nov 05, 2020

I want to ask you some Life Coach questions:

  • What are your long-term goals?
  • What is your situation right now?
  • What are your options for action?
  • What is stopping you?


Many women are anxious about making a mistake if they try to accomplish something. Some are so petrified of making a misstep that they will not try something new at all. They are scared of expanding their skill set because they are afraid of doing it incorrectly and making an error.


They are so worried about the embarrassment of making a mistake in front of others and the possible ridicule they may experience. However, not allowing yourself to try something new, go through new experiences, and learn a new skill set is a recipe for holding you back from your greatest potential. And that just may be your greatest mistake.


Fear of Mistakes Holds you Back

If you shy away from trying something new, you limit your potential and your ability to handle things. It also limits your ability to achieve the goals you set out to do and restricts you from living your best possible life.


Who knows what you can accomplish when you are willing to attempt new things.


You may discover you have an innate ability to produce something or manage something that could help our whole world. But, if you are anxious about attempting activities that involve that skill, you may never discover it. And the world might miss out on something because of your fear of trying a new activity that could reveal your hidden talent.


You are denying yourself your natural potential by fearing taking on new responsibilities or pursuits.


You believe you are protecting yourself from anxiety, embarrassment, and ridicule by avoiding new tasks when possible. But in truth, you just go into hiding behind the usual tasks you know you can do well because it is safe and comfortable.


Virtually every great woman has had to get out of her comfort zone to find out what she truly excelled at and make her life meaningful and successful. 


Yes, you can go through life only doing the mundane tasks you know you can do well.

OK, more Life Coach questions here: But will that really fulfill you? Will you actually be happy? Will you live your best life by just doing the mundane tasks you know you can do well?

Very likely, you will not.


Unfortunately, you will never know your authentic self and your truest, highest potential if you do not seek new interests to grow your skillset and help you to flourish as an individual. So, shying away from new pursuits out of fear of embarrassment or mockery is the biggest mistake you can make and the ultimate obstacle to you reaching your most genuine, fullest potential.


Final Life Coach questions: What will you do next? What is your way forward?

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