You Can Do One Thing To Be More Spiritual

spirituality Apr 17, 2022

Our lives are so hectic that it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, and we forget how truly blessed we are. There never seems to be sufficient hours in the day to get everything done. And then there are the constant interruptions. The phone rings, a new email or text message pops up, and a colleague walks into the department. Many times our day feels like nothing more than a series of disruptions.


Add to that the triviality of being surrounded by media and ads, and it is no wonder we yearn for a simpler and more spiritual life. While we cannot alter our surroundings, there is an approach we can use to help us be calm, more balanced, and more spiritual - beginning our day with spiritual activity.


When you want to strengthen your relationship with God and uncover your spiritual gifts, here is the one thing you can do today:


Strengthen your relationship with God first thing in the morning!



Start your day off with a prayer, devotional meditation, reading your Bible, and writing in your journal. Pick something that feels right for you. By taking time in the morning, you will keep these positive activities centered in your mind.


Pick something and spend the first 30 minutes of your day at work on your soul. Brew a cup of tea, locate a comfortable spot and enjoy this daily routine. Stick to it every day and do your best to have some quiet time. This may involve getting up a little earlier so you can have that time before the kids wake up. It is time well spent. Your Bible is a handbook. 


The Bible mentions that each Christian has spiritual gifts. You have discernment, wisdom, faith, knowledge, and the Spirit's fruits: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. Some gifts have to do with your calling. You can strengthen these skills with action steps. When you are aware of the spiritual gifts that God has given you, you focus on alignment with your purpose and serving others to strengthen your relationship with God.


Concentrating on your spirituality first thing in the morning does two critical things for you.

  1. Setting aside time early in the morning will not get disturbed (fingers crossed), and no matter how chaotic the rest of your day goes, you have these few moments to yourself.
  2. It sets the tone for the remainder of your day. You will become a more spiritual woman throughout the rest of your busy day by focusing on it as soon as you wake up. This is also a time to ask Him for help keeping your mind focused on His will for your life. 


There is nothing more vital than your spiritual awakening and relationship with God. These few minutes will immediately lift you, but they will also carry you through the rest of your busy day. Give it a test run, and you may be calmer, more centered, and happier than before.


Here is your action step for the next few days:


Pick an activity you can do for a few minutes in the spiritual morning. Read the Bible, a motivational book, do some meditation, or try journaling. Start your day off with 30 minutes of doing something to nourish your soul. Make it a daily habit, and watch how it will transform the rest of your day.


When women are in a spiritual awakening of their gifts, everything will start to align. As you continue to work on these, your relationship with God will grow. As you become more spiritual life, I pray that you will go with strength and dignity out into the world.

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