You Need to be More Patient – NOW!

relationships Oct 09, 2020

Patience is frequently the most confusing of virtues. For one thing, many people do not realize that patience is a learned quality!  It does not come instinctively for most of us.


Here are three areas in which patience does pay:


  1. Goal setting. You have heard the saying that anything good is worth waiting for. Waiting does not mean simply sitting and doing nothing, waiting for great things to happen to you. You have to make them happen! Give yourself a realistic time frame to sit down and write out your goals. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Set mini-goals within larger goals so you can get a better visual of your progress. You will feel motivated by your accomplishments when you see your plan developing.


  1. Learning new skills. As we get older, it is not as easy to learn new skills. We can become discouraged and feel like giving up. People out of the workforce for many years are entirely out of the technology loop. And it can be challenging to get up to speed. Having a broken bone is the best lesson in patience. Not that I am suggesting you do anything dangerous, but in this case, patience is born out of necessity. You discover how to do everyday tasks in a different way to stay mobile. Taking up a sport, such as karate or yoga, may feel awkward at first, but with practice, suddenly, you feel like a pro. I did not get my enchiladas right the first dozen times, but now they are restaurant quality. If I had given up after that original soggy mess, I do not know what I would serve at family reunions.


  1. Sometimes patience can mean enduring or persevering in a difficult situation. We have all had issues with bad drivers or demanding bosses – even dial-up Internet can make our blood pressure go up. But we can use these as opportunities to grow our patience. Instead of screaming at your kids when they are not ready for school, think of all the times they have had to wait on you. Impatience can make people lose their temper and say something they do not mean. By contrast, patience promotes peace. 


In this instant gratification age, it is increasingly difficult to accept what is out of our power. Learning patience is genuinely an art. But it is an art worth remembering for your health, happiness, and healing.


I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life. Please contact me with any questions you may have.

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