You Need to Resolve Self Defeating Habits

personal development Oct 15, 2019

Sometimes women hold onto a habit simply because it is something they have always done or how they have thought for years. An example of this would be saving money and controlling your finances but consistently blowing your budget on the spur of the moment buys.


You may very well think one way and even acknowledge out loud that you want to break a bad habit, but then you turn right around and give in to behaviors that sabotage your aspirations. You know what you are doing (or not doing) that holds you back from living your best life.


It is not easy to tackle the worst part about yourself. But if you do not acknowledge what is going on with you, you will not alter it. Recognizing that self-defeating habit is where you start.


Recognize how it is keeping you back from experiencing your goals. For example, if you would like to go on a nice vacation but always spend your vacation fund, you sabotage your plan.


Once you identify that self-defeating habit, you can move into self-improvement by modifying that behavior. You do this by creating replacement habits. If you have a problem with overspending, challenge yourself to go for a week buying only necessities.


Then add a second week, and then the third week. Identify any potential obstacles and have a plan to overcome them. When friends want to go shopping, suggest a no-cost alternative like getting together and watching a movie at your home.


You can progress anything about your life if you identify a problem and have the solution planned.

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