You Need to Stop your Attention-Seeking Behavior

relationships Nov 27, 2020

Do you tend to do anything for attention? Letting go of attention-seeking behavior will enhance your relationships and peace of mind.


Keep in mind that a certain level of attention-seeking is normal for people at any age. The issue is whether it is producing trouble in your daily life and preventing you from finding more productive ways to act in response to challenges.


Identifying Your Attention Seeking Behavior:


  1. Look for the external signs. The outward signs may be the simplest to spot. Classic characteristics include exaggerated displays of emotions, constantly seeking approval and reassurance, and difficulty dealing with frustration or criticism.


  • You might also tend to take inappropriate risks and focus too much on your physical appearance.


  1. Pinpoint underlying causes. It might be difficult to get in touch with the feelings that motivate you to seek attention, but it is critical to making positive changes. Often, this conduct links to a sense of insecurity or neglect.


Dealing with Attention Seeking Behavior:


  1. Address those underlying causes. You may find that you are feeling insecure in a romantic relationship or getting overwhelmed at work. Once you understand what motivates your need for attention, you can figure out where you need to take action.


  1. Develop more positive tactics to pursuing anything you need. Instead of sabotaging yourself by inviting negative attention, get to work on constructive solutions. End the sighing or tossing dishes around. Have a calm conversation with your husband if you think he is not doing their fair share of the housework.
  2. Monitor your emotions. Try to reflect on your thoughts and feelings before reacting. You can improve your peace of mind by avoiding excessively negative or positive characterizations of people and situations.

  3. Assess your physical appearance. It is okay to want to look nice but avoid making it an obsession. Ask yourself if you are placing too much importance on your outer appearance in general.

  4. Stop exaggerating problems. If you have sunk into the habit of playing the victim, you can make life more pleasurable for yourself and others by being more accurate about your situations. Rather than seeing small obstacles as catastrophes, keep things in proportion and remain calm about minor setbacks.

  5. Assess risks more cautiously. If you discover yourself changing jobs too often and getting into one volatile relationship after another, you may need to question your need for novelty and excitement. Positive risk-taking lets you learn and grow. Reckless decisions can stop you from becoming successful and happy.
  6. Realize when to ignore yourself and when to reward yourself. Adept parents understand when to ignore a toddler who is acting out and when to reward good behavior.


  • Likewise, you can make a decision not to pay attention to your thoughts and emotions when you discover yourself getting overly theatrical.
  • On the other hand, recognize then reward yourself for uncovering healthier alternatives to your attention-seeking inclinations.

Free yourself from needing to be the center of attention. Taking positive strides to change attention-seeking behavior can reduce the tension in your relationships and help you find more constructive methods to getting what you want out of life.

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