Nourishing Your Body And Spirit With God’s Great Wisdom

health Mar 02, 2020


In today’s health-conscious culture, we are constantly bombarded with information about what to eat, how to lose weight, and the latest diet trends. As Christian women, it can be easy to get swept up in the world’s view of nutrition. However, adopting a Truth Mindset means aligning our approach to food and nutrition with God’s wisdom rather than society’s ever-changing standards.

God’s Word guides us on how to care for our bodies, including what we eat and how we steward our health. Proper nutrition is more than a physical act—it is a form of stewardship where we honor God by nourishing the bodies He gave us. Through a Truth Mindset, we can make choices that lead to health, wholeness, and spiritual vitality.


"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." — 1 Corinthians 10:31 (KJV)

This verse reminds us that we are called to glorify God even in everyday activities like eating and drinking. Our nutrition choices can reflect our desire to ...

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Better Health – is what happens when diet and exercise are improved!

health Feb 17, 2020

Stay Healthy Through Improved Diet and Exercise


One of the most important things you can do to avoid getting sick – and not just from cold and flu, but anything else out there that is contagious – is keep your body as strong and healthy as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to eat a healthy diet and get some sort of daily exercise.


Here is what that may look like.


Tips for Eating Healthy

Improving your diet to eat healthier can seem like a challenge. There is a lot you can do. The key is to start and make small improvements as you go along. A great place to start is by cutting out sugar and processed foods. Replace them with whole food options where you can. Have an apple instead of a candy bar when you need a snack. Fix some scrambled eggs instead of pouring a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning. Skip the fast-food burger and fix a salad to take to lunch. You get the idea.


From there, I would encourage you to add more fresh fruits and vegetables. Try s

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Exercise Is The Way To Gain Inner Strength

health Feb 04, 2020

There is probably no woman alive who would tell you her life is anything but busy – and sometimes challenging. Women are pulled so many directions at once it can be easy to get stretched thin.


Women face trying situations among their friends and family, at home, at work, even with strangers. Everything taps into your inner strength and can drain it little by little.


You cannot do anything about what you experience because it is simply a part of life. But what you can do is learn ways to improve your inner strength to have the calm necessary to deal with all that comes your way.


There are tools you can utilize to help increase your ability from an internal mindset perspective - so that irrespective of what you face, you can have a life of calm.


One of the most accessible tools to help when you want to enhance mental strength is physical activity. Exercise does so much beyond giving your muscles strength and helping to manage weight.


Exercise is needed to strength...

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See How Spiritual Truth Transforms Sleep And Health

health Feb 03, 2020


In today’s fast-paced world, many Christian women struggle with rest. Between managing family, work, church responsibilities, and personal commitments, it is easy to neglect rest in favor of productivity. However, embracing a Truth Mindset can radically change your relationship with rest. God designed rest for our good, and it is not just a physical necessity—it is a spiritual practice that reflects trust in Him.

Rest is more than sleep; it is about entering into God’s peace and allowing His truth to guide our decisions regarding our health and well-being. A Truth Mindset helps us recognize that God cares deeply about our rest and that rest is a form of worship, acknowledging His provision and control over our lives.


"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep." — Psalm 127:2 (KJV)

This verse reminds us that endless striving and worrying accomplish little without God’s provision. He desires that we rest ...

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Kindness Is The Important Quality We Need Right Now

health Jan 20, 2020

"Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting…Don’t only give your care, but give your heart as well."
- Mother Teresa

Kindness is sometimes missing in today's society. Women are more connected to their devices than to what is happening around them. They are self-absorbed. Kindness is frequently the last thing they think about throughout their day.

Without kindness, our world is filled with anger, discontent, and strife. We have seen relationships just fall apart (or never start). Countless countries have disintegrated into perpetual war zones. Our whole world has completely changed.

All successful relationships are, in the end, supported by kindness, according to Dr. John and Julie Gottman, originators of the Gottman Institute, which studies relationships. What's more, they assert that the most crucial time you should be kind is during the conflict, such as when arguing with your husband. Yet, that is the hardest time for most women...

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Shameless: Anxiety And Depression Are Not Controversial, Rare, Or Weird

health Jan 13, 2020

It is not certainly uncommon for women to go through occasional anxiety or depression, especially in response to life's stressors. But, if those feelings become disproportionate or prolonged with no significant reason, it needs to be addressed by a professional


Fortunately, diagnosing and treatment approaches have come a long way, partially thanks to numerous public health campaigns to bring mental health issues 'out of the shadow'.


The co-existence of anxiety and depression is a noted feature of the disorders. While behavioral and emotional symptoms vary within the two, the fact remains that both are unnatural and unwelcome states of a woman's mental health.


Anxiety is described as a constant overwhelming state of fear or worry and can be debilitating with physical manifestations. The symptoms of depression are similar with an unrelenting feeling of despair or sadness.


The precise cause is still uncertain. Fluctuations of brain chemistry, genetic influences, and hormon...

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Truth Mindset: A Great Foundation For Health And Spirituality

health Jan 06, 2020


Christian women are called to live in the truth of God's Word, which sets the foundation for every aspect of our lives, including our health. A Truth Mindset is about aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with God’s truths. Operating from this foundation transforms how we approach our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Truth is essential for personal growth and spiritual development, but it also enhances our overall health. A Truth Mindset shapes our behavior, decisions, and attitudes, encouraging us to take better care of the bodies God has given us. It’s time to look beyond the lies we often tell ourselves about our health and embrace the transformative power of living in God’s truth.


Why a Truth Mindset Matters

A Truth Mindset helps us evaluate the messages we hear from the world and measure them against the truth of God's Word. By rejecting falsehoods about our worth, bodies, and health, we can enter a new reality where we value ourselves as God’s creatio...

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Start Self-Care in the New Year

health Dec 30, 2019

Part of good health is self-care. But, self-care is a routine that appears foreign to most women. Probably because most have learned to put themselves last and take care of the needs of others first. That is backward thinking because you cannot help anyone else until you first help yourself.


Start by letting go. Too many women hold on to performing tasks because they feel guilted into doing it. They manage issues or deal with other people's responsibilities that they do not want to do in the first place.


It is tough to decline invitations you do not want to say yes to or stop doing what people you care about want you to do, even though you do not want to do it. Sometimes, it can also be hard to say no to ourselves.


That happens when you have a fixed mindset. You create a mental checklist of what you "should" do. For 2020, decide that you will say no to handling or doing anything that you do not wish to have in your life.


It is okay to skip the big family meetings that e...

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Truth Mindset And Rest: Embrace Sleep As A Valuable Gift From God

health Dec 23, 2019


In a world that often glorifies busyness and hustle, sleep can feel like a luxury we do not have time for. Yet, as Christian women striving to live with a Truth Mindset, we must recognize that rest, particularly sleep, is a gift from God—an essential part of caring for both our bodies and our spirits. In this blog, we explore how a Truth Mindset reframes sleep as an act of trust in God’s provision, allowing us to rest fully, knowing that He is in control.

KJV Scripture:

"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep." — Psalm 127:2 (KJV)

This verse speaks to the futility of overworking ourselves. No amount of staying up late or waking up early will give us the peace and rest that only God can provide. With a Truth Mindset, we learn to surrender our need to control everything and trust that God will take care of us—even while we sleep.

Zig Ziglar Quote:

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass...

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Christian Woman’s Guide To Improved Health And Fantastic Relationships

health Dec 16, 2019


As Christian women, we know that our physical health and relationships are two vital areas that deeply impact our overall well-being. The Bible reminds us of the importance of stewarding both our bodies and our relationships, and when we align these areas with God's truth, we thrive.

Your Body is God’s Temple

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (KJV) tells us: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
This verse is a beautiful reminder that we must honor God by caring for the bodies He has entrusted to us. When we prioritize our health, we are not only better equipped to serve the Lord, but we also have the energy and vitality to nurture the relationships in our lives.

Taking care of our health is a form of worship. Eating nutritious foods, exercising, getting enough sleep, and managing stress can be act...

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