Breakthrough: Working On Better Goals And Action Plans

Life coaches help women reach their full potential by offering their clients guidance, support, and accountability. They act as facilitators, providing a confidential and relaxed space for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions. By working collaboratively with the client, they help to uncover their strengths, passions, and aspirations.


Life coaching is not about teaching or instructing clients. Instead, it is a shared activity where the coach works with the client to identify areas where they are stuck and tailor a plan to achieve their desired outcomes. This approach ensures that clients are fully invested in the process and are more likely to reach their objectives.


How is Christian Life Coaching unique? 

One of the strategic objectives of Christian Life Coaching is to foster a Biblical worldview and truth mindset, which are essential components of personal growth and development.

By engaging in an active, foundational discovery process, clients can...

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Christian Life Coaches Help People Live In The Best Life

The coaching process involves a systematic approach to problem-solving, where a professional life coach works in partnership with the client to identify the areas that need improvement. The coach helps create a plan of action tailored to the client's specific challenges or desires.


Christian Life Coaching is a coaching approach that aims to help women improve their personal and professional lives by setting and achieving goals, enhancing their self-awareness, and developing the necessary skills and strategies to overcome any obstacles that may stand in their way.

Christian Life Coaches are highly skilled professionals who specialize in helping women navigate various life challenges. They provide guidance and support to equip women with a Truth Mindset to overcome obstacles and move forward with renewed confidence and purpose.


2 Timothy 1:7 KJV - "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."


Whether dealing with a...

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Breakthrough? Full potential? Life coaches play a pivotal role!

Life coaches are highly skilled professionals who play a pivotal role in helping individuals unleash their full potential and live a fulfilling and purposeful life.


They work collaboratively with their clients and employ various techniques to help them gain a deeper understanding of:

  • themselves,
  • their values,
  • strengths,
  • weaknesses,
  • and goals.


Christian Life Coaching is a unique and effective approach to equip women to achieve a Truth Mindset and unlock their full potential. This coaching design's primary objective is to guide and support clients in defining and accomplishing their goals, discovering their hidden talents, and fulfilling their divine purpose.


The coaching process involves a systematic approach to problem-solving, where a professional life coach works in partnership with the client to identify the areas that need improvement.


The coach helps create a plan of action tailored to the client's specific needs, strengths, and objectives.


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Working With A Christian Life Coach: Women Better Understand Themselves, Their Values, And Life Purpose

Christian Life Coaches are experienced professionals helping women discover their true potential and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

They work hand-in-hand with their clients, using various techniques to help them develop a Truth Mindset to better understand God, themselves, and their relationships with others.

Communication and relationships are crucial aspects of life, and life coaches emphasize their importance in their coaching process.


The coaching process is a structured approach to problem-solving, where a professional life coach collaborates with the client to identify areas that need improvement. The coach helps clients develop an action plan tailored to their unique challenges or goals.


Christian Life Coaching aims to foster a Biblical worldview and truth mindset, which are indispensable components of personal growth and development.

Through an active discovery process, clients can explore their emotions, beliefs, and thoughts with the guidance of...

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Turn The Tables on Negative People

Negative people are burdened with various lusts and issues that they are either not dealing with or are using to influence and control their relationship with you.


They might cause stress, scandals, struggles, or conflicts. You may experience repeated violations of your boundaries, such as manipulation, verbal abuse, or physical, emotional, or spiritual harm. Spending time with them can leave you feeling drained and fatigued.


You probably know more than your fair share of negative people! Since they are everywhere, it is important to understand how to live with them.


Dealing with troublesome individuals who disrupt our lives is covered in many Scriptures.


In 1 Corinthians 15:33, the Apostle Paul urges us, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.’”


In Proverbs 22:24-25, we are warned, “Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get...

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Affirmation: I Happily Know How to Write an Affirmation

It is that time of year again when millions of women are setting New Year's resolutions, in an effort to transform their lives. 

If you just take this approach, sadly, the odds are stacked against you. Chances are the resolutions you are so passionate about right now, will not last out the month. 

Instead of helping you change your life and accomplish your goals, you will soon be back into your old routines and habits. 


Unless you take a different approach...

This year, if you are trying to make a healthy lifestyle change, I invite you to consider an alternative- try an affirmation instead.


Goals are something you want to accomplish that includes taking actionable steps to achieve them.

Resolutions are statements of intent. Affirmations are statements of 'truth'.

Have you ever stopped to think about the subtle differences between those things? 


Setting goals mobilizes us toward grand achievements and new experiences.

New year's resolutions...

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