Address the Stress of Your Professional and Personal LifeĀ 

personal development Jul 07, 2020

Ladies, thinking that you can handle everything life throws at you is careless. It would be best to address that stress will seep into your life no matter what, whether it comes from your professional or personal interactions.


Striving for a healthy work-life balance is a difficult challenge even in the best of times. But, this can be even worse for women who are working from home, especially during the "worldwide pandemic".



Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. It will help if you face that stress head-on so that you can find the best way to handle it all. When the stress on the job interferes with your work performance, health, or personal life, it is time to take action.


Treat yourself. Buy something that you have always wanted. It could be anything in the world if it fits in your budget. Maybe you have not had your favorite coffee in a while, or there is a...

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Thinking Big in Work and Life

personal development Jun 30, 2020

Do you feel like your life is run-of-the-mill? Are you less than thrilled with your current set of circumstances? Perhaps your goals are too small. Have you ever considered that you could be and do much more than you currently represent?


Thinking big is your means to a new life!


Think about these seven ideas:


  1. Sidestep contentment. Did you ever notice that when life takes a dip below what you consider acceptable, you will work like mad to reestablish the normal balance in your life?

  •  For instance, you will do plenty to replace your lost salary if you lose your job. However, you will not work nearly as hard to double your income.

  •  Avoiding contentment is not the same as being constantly unhappy. That would not be a pleasant way to live. However, when you want to achieve something more, you must go all out to live more.

  1. Big goals are exhilarating. Going camping at the same state park for the 10th year in a row is fine, but odds are you will not...
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Girl, You Need to Hear Your Own Voice

personal development Jun 23, 2020

Women sometimes do not achieve goals because they are goals set by someone else. Oh, perhaps not blatantly. No one walked up to you in the street and said: "I want you to go be a nurse, computer programmer, secretary, attorney, etc.." But there is enormous pressure in North American business life today to always be the next Mary Barra or the next Oprah.

Often, that type of pressure does not come from within—or at least, if it does, it is not speaking with your pure voice. One of the reasons women remain trapped in a life that does not align with who we are is because we are afraid we will let the people we love the most down.

Are you doing everything your heart desires, or are you only doing what others want you to do? Whose voice do you hear when you decide on big or small goals? In this way, consider where these goals are coming from – or who.

  • Your mother's voice
  • Your father's voice
  • Your teacher's voice
  • Your coach's voice
  • Your boyfriend's voice
  • Your husband's...
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4 Easy Ways to Rise from Discouragement and Feel Better About Yourself

personal development Jun 23, 2020

Life is not always what you expect it to be. When the results you hope for do not come to fruition, you can sometimes question your self-worth and abilities. It is easy to fall into that trap of discouragement.


The good news is that you can get out of that gloomy mood!


Whenever you are down in the dumps, you must take action to start feeling better about yourself. Dwelling on the negative and remaining in a depressed state is unhealthy. After a while, you will feel like you are moving backward instead of forward. This makes it challenging to get back to a positive mindset.


Try these easy tips to restore your belief in you:


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Commit To the Life You Want

personal development Jun 16, 2020


What does it mean to commit to living the life you want?


When a woman commits to living the life they want, they go after their goals, hopes, and dreams without any hesitation. Instead of considering everything that could go wrong or stop them from finding success, they focus solely on achieving those goals and building the life they want.


Committing to living the life you want requires visualization – a woman with this level of commitment can see their future clearly because they have spent time understanding exactly what they want to achieve. With that picture of the future in mind, they have also calculated the different steps they will need to take to make that visualization a reality.


Most importantly, a woman who commits to living the life they want does not make any excuses about why they “can’t” do something. This woman goes after their goals and dreams wholeheartedly and does not allow any negative naysaying to slow them...

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Make Time to Be Balancing Important Priorities

personal development Jun 09, 2020

What does it mean to balance your time effectively among all your priorities?


Humans lead busy lives. Women's schedules are often jam-packed with tons of responsibilities between friends, families, careers, hobbies, schooling, volunteerism, spiritual practices, errands, chores, vacations, and beyond.


How do you manage to keep your schedule organized when you are this busy? Learning how to balance your time effectively among all your priorities is critical.


Balancing your time effectively among your priorities means you are careful about how you spend your time.


You ensure that your preferences – or your most important tasks and responsibilities – are paid the appropriate amount of attention they need. Rather than allowing one priority to hold more space and weight than another, you can ensure that each focus has the proper amount of energy and time you need to commit to them.


What are the benefits of balancing your time effectively...

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Mistakes Actually Help You See Excellent Results

personal development Jun 04, 2020


Every woman wants to achieve excellence, whether it is something monumental that changes the world or just being the best person she can be and positively impacting the lives of the people she cares about most. Many spend their days trying to be perfect. Every day, they put in hard work, struggling to say and do everything perfectly. However, achieving excellent results is not easy and does not come overnight. Learn how mistakes can help you achieve the level of excellence you can reach.

You may be thinking, “How does making mistakes help me to achieve excellence? Mistakes are usually considered bad or undesirable. How does that lead to excellence?” Most women do consider mistakes bad or undesirable. But they also realize that errors are unavoidable.


Stop the continual struggle to be better. We are only human, after all, and humans make mistakes from time to time. Stop feeling shame when you fail. No one is perfect. But we are all under grace!



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Challenge Habits for Improved Focus and Better Growth

personal development Jun 02, 2020

Our daily habits shape our identity and determine our future. If we persistently engage in harmful habits, they can harm our overall well-being, causing us to feel depleted and unfulfilled. We must challenge habits for improved focus and better growth.


Here are 4 common examples of harmful habits that can rob us of our joy and peace if we allow them to persist unchecked:


  1.  Focusing on how life “should” be.

Our reactions to frustration can either motivate or irritate us. We should try to use them as a driving force rather than let them bring us down. Life is a matter of perspective, and we control how we view it. Instead of getting angry, we should try to find a lesson. Instead of feeling envious, we should cultivate admiration. When worries arise, we should act. When we doubt ourselves, we should have faith. It is important to remember that our response to any situation is more powerful than the situation itself. While completely uncontrollable...

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6 Simple Ways To Empower Your "Why"

Has this ever happened to you? Everything appeared to be going so well, personally or professionally. Then, without warning, you lack motivation, everything seems stale, and you have no idea why you were even trying so hard. In short, you lost your "Why," and now you are wafting and trying to figure out where you went wrong.


Cheer up! The truth is, whatever happened, you can still resolve the issues. Your confidence was not there when you started doubting yourself. You are likely also questioning the things you believe. After all, how can you get something so important as a "Why" right when you go wrong in other subjects you have a go at? You can do it because God made you to do good work!

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10 KJV


6 Simple Ways To Empower Your "Why"


  1.  Prayer

Before setting goals, see what the Word of God says about them. Prayer is...

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Reasons To Open Your Mind to a New Thing!

personal development May 26, 2020

Opening your mind to anything gives you the power to break down your internal walls and remove any self-limitations you impose on yourself. Often, women tend to get in their own way by losing belief in their abilities to chase dreams, learn new skills, and accomplish goals.


What does opening your mind to anything mean?

Opening your mind to anything means you believe in all the possibilities before you in life.

  • Rather than assuming a negative attitude and immediately presuming that you cannot do something, you accept that life can surprise you in various ways.
  • Instead of living in self-doubt or fear, you let yourself explore all your options, attempt new things, and encounter all that life has to offer.


What are the benefits of opening your mind to anything?

Opening your mind to anything offers a variety of benefits. For example:


1. Women who open their minds to anything have a strong sense of self-confidence.

Because you are willing to keep an open mind, you...

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