A Christian Makes Quality Time for Jesus on the Job

spirituality Mar 01, 2020

If you accept Jesus as your LORD and Savior, you promise to give Him your whole life - all aspects of it. As a Christian, your workplace is not just where you do a job. It is a ministry that Jesus has called you to do for His kingdom. No matter what type of work Jesus calls you to perform, it is essential that you bring prayer, as Jesus did, into your daily walk with Him.

Taking faith to your workplace also means you seek to please God in your decision-making rather than other people. We believe in a risen Lord. Jesus is present among us. When we represent him, verbally or non-verbally, we introduce someone to the risen Christ.


Make Time for Jesus at Work

Matthew 28:19-20 says: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Jesus expressed...

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God Does What Is The Best For You

spirituality Feb 23, 2020

God can do all things. No purpose of God fails. There are times when this is a complicated truth to acknowledge. In particular, when you are praying for what seems to be in line with His will.


You are not advancing the request like putting a coin in a vending machine. You realize that God has the free choice to say “no”. You recognize this truth.


But you are praying for what you know based on Scripture to be His will. Perhaps you are asking God to restore your marriage or to deliver your spouse from alcoholism. Maybe you are begging Him to heal your child from a horrible disease.


The God that we serve does not speak without then acting. If God reveals that He will do something, He surely will. However, years or even decades may pass with God repeatedly saying no to your request. There are countless reasons why He denies us something we truly want.


From time to time, it is to grow your faith, such as with Joseph. Genesis 50:20 KJV tells us...

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What Happens When Praying Is The Challenge?

spirituality Feb 16, 2020

Praying daily helps you grow in your prayer life because you prioritize God every day. You are giving Him praise and seeking Him when you pray daily.


Prayer is vital to the Christian life. It is how we reach out to speak to our Lord and Creator. We express praise and thanks to Him, ask for forgiveness, pray for personal needs and the needs of others. But often, this is a disregarded activity. Be honest, are you praying daily?


“Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17


The subject of daily prayer is good food for thought. A discussion is a beautiful thing to have with God. But what happens on the days when your heart feels too heavy to pray? Life has, once again, knocked you down. And, it feels as though you may just never get up again. How do you pray on these days?


Jesus prayed all the time. Before His crucifixion and while hanging on the cross, He prayed. He did not just pray during the good times or only in hard times....

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God Is Delighted When You Have An Active Prayer Life

spirituality Feb 09, 2020

God Is Never a Passive Listener

Worship focuses on who God is. During prayer, make time to give praise to God. Pray because God loves you so much He sent His only begotten son to die on a cross for you. When you develop an active prayer life, you begin to see the ways that God responds to your requests.


David recorded an exciting moment in Psalm 18.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.” - Psalm 18:6


Prayer directs our thoughts and our hearts to God. David speaks about God hearing his prayers, but he makes one more point. In the next verse, David discusses how smoke poured from God’s nostrils and how God was furious on his behalf. God is more powerful than any problems we face.


God is already at work around you. It is tempting to consider God as a passive listener. You might imagine Him as this kindly grandfather type...

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How to Make Time for Jesus in the Home

spirituality Feb 02, 2020

Women have the opportunity to bring Jesus into our homes daily. Sometimes our lives can get hectic, and we can forget the most important things. But I know as we keep Christ as the center of our homes, we can feel peace and happiness there.


How do you make time for Jesus in your house?

Life is hectic. I appreciate that. But you cannot let your life come to be too busy to recognize, communicate, and serve your Savior, Jesus. It starts with an attitude of acknowledgment. "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." Romans 1:21

Once you acknowledge Jesus as the giver of life and all its blessings, you will be more motivated to…

Give thanks all through the day. Amid the bustle of our days, it is a great idea to pause, take a deep breath, and thank Jesus that we can be busy. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they...

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Powerful Prayer Does Not Have To Be Complicated

spirituality Jan 26, 2020

In the New Testament, we received a challenge to include prayer in our everyday life. Praying does not have to be complicated. But, understanding how to pray is not always comfortable. 


Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us that we should not lean on our understanding but instead trust in the Lord with all our heart. 


The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) is an elegant example of how to pray. Prayer is an invocation that seeks to connect with God through deliberate interaction (such as a petition). You must show a heart of obedience and submission to the will of God. And a genuine thank you is always a great conversation starter.


God is three definite persons in One: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Concentrate on which of the Holy Trinity you need to speak to at the moment. 

  • Abba Father of my life, God
  • Savior of my soul, Jesus
  • Empowerer of my calling, Holy Spirit


Women often show reluctance to...

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Shame: Lies You Think are Truth

spirituality Jan 19, 2020

Understanding Shame and Why You Feel It

Shame is a complex feeling to articulate. You can experience it as a feeling of not being good enough, a worry that there is something wrong with you, or an overwhelming feeling that you are inadequate, inferior, or unclean.

Shame is not the same as guilt. Guilt is a healthy emotion. You feel guilty if you do or say something that fails to live up to your moral code or when you do not obey God. For instance, when you speed to work, you might feel guilt. Guilt is helpful. It often comes from the Holy Spirit. It motivates us to repent and modify sinful behaviors.

What Causes Shame?

Shame is the result of lies you believe are true about yourself. Some women experience shame because of a difficult childhood filled with abuse or neglect. Others feel shame because an abusive boyfriend or husband blames her when something goes wrong. Still, other women contend with shame as a result of consuming alcohol or drugs.

What Should You Do about Shame?


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Why Has Our World Come To Be Less Caring

spirituality Jan 12, 2020

"Imagine what would happen through you if you shared your testimony, gave God the time He deserves, used your talents and gifts to serve Him by serving others, and invested God's treasures in a way that changed the world" – Tim Passmore.


Think about that, "…used your talents and gifts to serve Him by serving others." For centuries, women have recognized the power of kindness. Not only does being kind help others around you, but it positively impacts your life as well.

But, it seems life has taken women to a place where we no longer value kindness as a trait. Compassion has been swapped with self-importance and wanting to stay impersonal. My question is, why has our world come to be less kind?

Is it that we no longer are concerned about others? Do we think kindness makes us weaker? Is this lack of kindness from some global change?

The truth is, kindness has become less and less important in our daily lives for several reasons.

  • Our environments cause women to...
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Make Jesus Fresh on the Mind

spirituality Jan 05, 2020

Women live in a culture obsessed with time, and we never seem to have enough of it. So in the middle of all this hustle and bustle, how do we make time for Jesus? We can certainly pray about different matters or persons in our lives, but the Lord Jesus is a living Lord who wants to have a relationship with us.

So, we should first come to Him to enjoy His presence, rather than starting our day by bringing Him all the things on our “wish list.” Then when we first contact the Lord in our spirit and enjoy Him in His Word, He will lead us to pray for these matters according to His will.

Making Time for Jesus

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, becoming a Christian, being born again, or whatever phrases you use to explain or define your relationship with God signify a commitment. When aligning yourself with Jesus, you are committing to be faithfully obedient to him.

But are you? Are you indeed committed? Or is your relationship with Jesus like a gym membership...

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What Will This New Years Bring?

spirituality Dec 29, 2019

Jesus Christ was born circa 4-6 B.C. in Bethlehem, just outside of Jerusalem. After the birth of Jesus and the narrative around his first visitors, we get just one glimpse of Jesus as a young boy before the camera stops for nearly twenty years.


Jesus visited Jerusalem at age 12 and became separated from them. He was later found in a temple, discussing religious affairs with some of Jerusalem's elders.


He went home and was obedient to his parents. "And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart." - Luke 2:51


Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist at the Jordan River was one of the first acts of His public ministry. This was the scene of the very first appearance of the Trinity to man. 


We go from baby to pre-teen to grown-up in just a couple of chapters. 


What are we to make of this silent period?

What does this mean for us and our...

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