Sleep Is Important to Help Your Body Fight Colds and Flu This Season
Sleep, can you recall a time in your life when you did not get enough?
For many of us, this happens from time to time. We are staying up late to study for finals in school. Or how about those many sleepless nights after welcoming a newborn. Or maybe you suffer from the occasional bout of insomnia.
Think back on one of those times. Chances are that those were also times when you were more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu or a stomach bug.
On the flip side, making sure you get plenty of quality sleep can serve as a sort of insurance policy.
It strengthens your immune system and helps your body fight off any type of infection or treat that comes it’s way. In addition, your body will be able to heal itself faster should you come down with something if you get plenty of rest. That is why your doctor often orders plenty of rest and fluids when you have a cold.
But why ex...