You Need to Make Professional Boundaries

Marketing is the meat and potatoes of sales. It is the springboard for sales conversations and engaging your audience. Building a tribe that wants to buy from you is a beautiful thing, but there are times when having an eager tribe can be a bit overwhelming.

As the age-old saying goes, if you are not careful, your tribe can have you stepping and fetching. One critical skill set that marketers need is setting healthy boundaries that protect your worth and value.


Setting Boundaries That Protect Your Worth and Value


If you are new to the business, it can seem rewarding and a bit exciting to have customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders in your company wanting to connect. You might love engaging people and connecting one on one.

Your sales might require essential conversations, and customer service is always top of mind. As things grow, some snares can cause some problems in sales and deal with customers and clients.


Consider this:

Some people always want to negotiate pricing and services- No matter what the business, people love a bargain.

Some people can be very aggressive about negotiating and expecting goods and services at reduced rates. It’s essential to have standards for when and if you negotiate lower pricing.

Some people begin their business ventures with reduced rates while they establish themselves in the marketplace. At some point, it’s essential to set and commit to the price point that makes the most sense for your worth and value and does not allow other people to infringe on your limits.


Some people won’t respect your time- People love leaders and are drawn to confidence. What starts as a casual meeting can morph into an intrusion on your time and energy.

Being able to redirect zealous people without offending them or allowing them to become overbearing is an essential skill set for marketers to have. Learn positive ways to set boundaries and standardize how people access your time so you aren’t strung out and burned out.


Some people are never satisfied- You worked hard to create your goods and services, and to the best of your knowledge, they are high-quality and offered in good faith. Nonetheless, some people won’t be satisfied. Some people ask for more, ask for refunds, and act in demanding ways.

Set reasonable boundaries that protect your reputation and keep you from being taken advantage of by others. While it is normal to have returns on goods, some people blatantly take advantage of the satisfaction-guaranteed option.


Setting healthy boundaries is a critical skill set for marketers. Being confident in what you sell and how you sell it is a great start. Knowing where healthy customer access and service begin and end helps frame your protocols for access to you personally and professionally. Be sure to set healthy boundaries that protect your worth and value.

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