Want To Know The Best Reasons People Pray?

spirituality Apr 12, 2020

God has the power to bless, forgive, guide, protect, and provide for us. God can do everything, with or without our input. Even if we present our requests to God, we understand that heaven will not align according to our will. So, sometimes, we might lose sight of what is important about prayer.


Why Should We Bother Praying?

Do you look at prayer as something that you should do daily? You might wonder why you should even bother praying. After all, God will do what He knows is best, and He will work everything out for your good. There is no real point in the conversation, right?


But there is an exciting moment recorded between God and King Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:1-8. In it, the king has become very ill, and the word of the Lord reaches him, telling him that it is time to get his affairs in order. Hezekiah turned, face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord.


Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, And said, Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore.” - Isaiah 38:2-3 KJV


Then Hezekiah wept bitterly. Soon after this, another word from the Lord arrives. In this one, Hezekiah learns that God has heard his weeping and he will have another fifteen years of life as well as having his health restored.


This is a fascinating event because it shows that the prayers of His people can sway God. God may be planning a particular course of action, but because of your prayers, He may choose a different one.


No one can know the mind of God. It is simply too vast to contemplate. But Scripture shows that God can and does adjust His plan based on the requests of His beloved children (that means you!).


When we look at prayer as a one-sided approach to wants and needs, we miss the idea. God cares about your heart’s desires. He wants you to know Him for yourself, something you can only do by spending time talking to Him. Communication is what grows any relationship.


This Is Why!

We pray to recognize God for The blessings He provides. We praise Him for who He is. We commune with Him as we would with any loved one. We pray to seek to be a part of His purpose here on earth. 


Because the One who:

  • created the universe,
  • died on the cross in your place,
  • formed the planets,
  • hung the stars,
  • is pure love,
  • is the Source of life itself,
  • orchestrates history,
  • thought everything into being,
  • wove you together in your mother’s womb,

makes Himself accessible to you to share intimate thoughts and details, to commune with you, to hear your voice, and to know that you choose to love Him.


Think of faith like a garden. The more you tend to it, the more it grows. By praying, you release your concerns to God and allow Him to pour peace into your life.


God changes our circumstances or changes our hearts over the circumstances through our prayers. If you do not take advantage of such an opportunity every day, each moment by moment, you lose the whole point of life.

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